Rozwój osobisty
7 powodów, dla których pracownicy odchodzą z firmy
Zakończenie stosunku pracy przez pracowników można ogólnie przypisać kilku czynnikom. Oprócz czynników zewnętrznych, takich jak przeprowadzka do innego miasta lub chęć skupienia się w pełnym wymiarze godzin na opiece nad dzieckiem, prawie zawsze są to obecne osobiste wartości i potrzeby, które nie są spełniane w firmie i ostatecznie sprzyjają decyzji...
Artykuły na ten temat: Rozwój osobisty
Model czynników osobowości persolog®: Elastyczne narzędzie do codziennego stosowania
17. marzec 2021
Debora Karsch
Dlaczego korzystają na tym zarówno trenerzy i firmy, jak i uczestnicy.
Dlaczego warto pracować z Persolog® Personality Factor Model? Co czyni go lepszym od innych modeli w tej dziedzinie...
Everybody's weird except me?
17. luty 2021
Why it's worth understanding yourself and others better.
Let's be honest - have you ever thought: There's something off with my colleague / my partner / my boss! If you've had such thoughts before, we...
Three essential tips for your professional development
17. lipiec 2020
Imagine deciding to adopt a small dog. You carefully select one that fits your criteria, but the real work begins after bringing it home. Similarly, in business, we often overlook the ongoing development...
How Much Freedom is Good for Employees
15. lipiec 2020
How much freedom is good for employees is a much-discussed question: how much freedom is beneficial, and how much control is necessary? This topic is becoming increasingly important as our world, and consequently...
How Fundamental Decisions Facilitate the Application Process
9. lipiec 2020
We make thousands of decisions every day, many of which require energy. Especially in application processes, decisions abound: Does the applicant advance to the next round—yes or no? Unfortunately, we...
7 powodów, dla których pracownicy odchodzą z firmy
19. marzec 2020
The termination of an employment relationship by employees can generally be attributed to several factors. In addition to external factors such as moving to another city or the desire to focus full-time...
What Makes a Super Salesperson
20. luty 2020
How can you recognize what your customer needs? By finding out how your customer ticks and then providing them with what they need. Every customer is unique and has individual needs. As a super salesperson,...
7 Tips for Effective Employee Conversations
9. styczeń 2015
Especially at the beginning of the year, many companies conduct employee conversations. During these discussions, the past year is reviewed, and new goals are set for the current year. If these conversations...
How to Lead Your Employees to Peak Performance
11. listopad 2014
As a leader, how do you effectively lead your employees? This question may cross the minds of many. After all, companies succeed only when everyone is fully engaged. But is there a one-size-fits-all method...
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