
Skuteczne przewodzenie w czasach ciągłych zmian

How Leaders Build Resilience and Maintain Composure Despite Uncertainty. Leaders today face numerous challenges. From bumpy digitalization processes and uncertain future prospects to the crisis mode becoming a permanent state and high pressure for performance. But that’s not all. In addition, leaders must ensure that their teams work efficiently remotely,…

Articles on the topic: Leadership

Stärkenorientierte Mitarbeiterentwicklung: Talente finden, fördern und entfalten

Rozwój pracowników oparty na mocnych stronach: Odkrywanie, pielęgnowanie i uwalnianie talentów

As trainers and coaches, we constantly strive to find effective ways to support people in unlocking their full potential. We are convinced: the continuous development of employees is, especially in times...
Wie erfolgreiche hybride Führung gelingen kann

Przywództwo hybrydowe: Jak może działać skuteczne przywództwo hybrydowe

Leaders today face a multitude of challenges, from digitization processes to uncertain future prospects. Conventional leadership styles often reach their limits, and amid the perpetual crisis mode, it...
Stärken verleihen Flügel. Debora Karsch daje 3 wskazówki, jak wykorzystać swój potencjał

Mocne strony dodają skrzydeł: 3 wskazówki, jak zwiększyć swój potencjał

How do we succeed in not only possessing strengths but also utilizing them? How can we unfold them, and how do we deal with our weaknesses? Debora Karsch is the CEO and shareholder of persolog and at the...
Poznaj 3 śmiertelne wypadki i dowiedz się, jak je pokonać

3 Fatal Leadership Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Leadership plays a crucial role in engaging and developing employees. However, errors often creep into everyday leadership that can have long-term detrimental effects. In this article, I will present three...
persolog Blog zum Thema Resilienz braucht Werte

Odporność wymaga wartości

How Our Inner Beliefs Empower Us: Especially in challenging times, we seek stability and strength to overcome obstacles. But did you know that values ​​play a crucial role in this? You'll learn in this...
Die Kunst der lebendigen Kultur mit dem persolog® Resilienz-Organisations-Modell

The Art of Vibrant Culture

How to Bring the Soul of Your Organization to Life: Within the depths of every organization lies an invisible but potent force: its culture. It's the heart, the soul, and the pulse that permeates the everyday...
Erfolgreich Führen in Zeiten konstanter Veränderung. W jaki sposób Führungskräfte Resilienz budować i chronić się przed zagrożeniami?

Skuteczne przewodzenie w czasach ciągłych zmian

How Leaders Build Resilience and Maintain Composure Despite Uncertainty. Leaders today face numerous challenges. From bumpy digitalization processes and uncertain future prospects to the crisis mode becoming...
Entwickle Strategien für Führen auf Distanz

How to Succeed in Remote Leadership

How to Develop a Strategy for Remote Leadership: New times call for new actions. Peter Drucker, one of the greatest management gurus from the USA, said: "The greatest danger in turbulent times is not...
Eine Methode, um die Handlungs- und Lösungsorientierung von Teams zu stärken

Method Tip: Collegial Case Consultation

A method to strengthen the action and solution orientation of teams: Suddenly, you're faced with this problem. This problem that doesn't seem solvable alone. A challenge where you're just not making progress....
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