Odporność organizacyjna

3 Ways to Make Your Organization Resilient

In the past year and a half, we have been forced to grapple with the question: What makes companies resilient? Why is it that Restaurant A is making more revenue during this pandemic than before, while Restaurant B is on the verge of bankruptcy? Why has Company A managed to capitalize on this crisis while Company B continues to struggle, not knowing…

Articles on the topic: Organizational Resilience

Odporność osobista jest ważnym czynnikiem sukcesu dla firm.

Odporna jednostka jako czynnik sukcesu dla firm

Gdybyś zapytał mnie 7 lat temu, czym jest odporność, byłbym w stanie udzielić tylko mglistej odpowiedzi. Szczerze mówiąc, nie wiedziałbym dokładnie, z czym to się wiąże, pomimo intensywnego studiowania zarządzania stresem,...
Die Kunst der lebendigen Kultur mit dem persolog® Resilienz-Organisations-Modell

The Art of Vibrant Culture

How to Bring the Soul of Your Organization to Life: Within the depths of every organization lies an invisible but potent force: its culture. It's the heart, the soul, and the pulse that permeates the everyday...
Befähigende Führung und wie sie gelingen kann

Empowering leadership and how it can succeed

A key factor in organizational resilience: Leadership plays a significant role in the success and future viability of a company. There are countless models describing leadership from various perspectives...
Entdecke die drei Wirkebenen der Resilienz - Individuell, im Team und in der Organisation

Discover 3 levels of resilience

Individually, as a team, and within the organization. In recent years, the topic of inner resilience has increasingly come into public focus: in children's and youth education, and in adult education...
Die 9 Faktoren organisationaler Resilienz - Was Unternehmen widerstandsfähig macht

The 9 factors of organizational resilience

What makes companies resilient: "We cannot prevent the wind, but we can build windmills." We cannot stop things from going differently than we imagined. We cannot prevent some companies from facing entirely...
Was Unternehmen widerstandsfähig macht

3 Ways to Make Your Organization Resilient

In the past year and a half, we have been forced to grapple with the question: What makes companies resilient? Why is it that Restaurant A is making more revenue during this pandemic than before, while...
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