model zarządzania czasem persolog
persolog® Model zarządzania czasem

How to get more out of your life

People who have time competence know what is important in life and can set priorities. But what distinguishes people with a high level of time competence?

They have their time under control

People with time competence know how valuable their time is and that they can shape this time themselves. They feel they have their time under control and know how to use their time for the things that are really important to them and how to create free space for a good balance.

They can set priorities and also say "no" sometimes

People with time competence have clearly defined goals. They can evaluate tasks according to importance and urgency and thus consciously choose which task they want to tackle. They can say “no” when something is not a priority at the moment.

They work in a focused and organized manner

People with time competence have clarity about their goals, tasks and next steps. They can realistically allocate and structure their time. They increase their work efficiency through order and cleanliness, as well as standardization of work processes. They know tools and methods with which they can organize themselves.

They are more relaxed

People with high time competence know that not everything has to be perfect and manage to hand over tasks when it makes sense to do so. They deal more calmly with stress and challenges.

They shape everyday life efficiently

People with a high level of time competence use digital media in a way that promotes performance, not hinders it. In meetings, they pay attention to proper preparation, execution and follow-up to increase their quality and efficiency. They do not allow themselves to be distracted from their important tasks by conversations and telephone calls.

Model zarządzania czasem persolog®

Time competence can be trained. That is why we have developed the persolog Time Management Model. Time itself cannot be “managed”. Therefore, the term “time management” can evoke misleading associations. Rather, time management describes a form of self-management with a focus on time – in other words, you manage yourself in your time. The greater your time competence, the more effective and efficient your handling of time, the lower your perceived stress and the more satisfied you are.

Dzięki modelowi zarządzania czasem Persolog wzmocnisz swoje kompetencje czasowe. Przyglądamy się 4 wymiarom zarządzania czasem: "ocena czasu", "planowanie", "realizacja" i "monitorowanie". W ramach tych obszarów uwzględniono łącznie 13 różnych obszarów kompetencji.

The persolog ® Time Management Model helps people, teams and managers to find the optimal use of their time and to build up a successful time management.

Time competence for your personal development

With our time management model you can increase your time competence. In our time management online training you will learn different time management methods that will enrich your everyday life. You will learn methods and strategies to train your time competence – for more clarity and focus in your everyday life. Also with our book “4 ways to more time competence” you can deepen your time competence and learn how to organize your life so that you have time for the things that are really important to you.

Time competence for your training & coaching

The certification of the persolog Time Management Model is the perfect addition to your trainer or coaching portfolio. When you support people to train their time competence, you support them to use their life time in a way that they have time for the really important things. You can support the development of time competence in organizations and accompany people on their life journey.

In our trainer’s guide to the persolog Time Management Model we provide you with a complete training concept that you can conduct with the persolog Time Management Profile. Furthermore, many other materials, such as games, checklists and digital as well as print profiles are available. If you want to dive deeper into our model, visit our time management certification – live or digital.

Time competence for your business

Time competence of your employees is fundamental for the success of your business. Imagine how successful your company is when every employee has clear goals, can set priorities, and can structure and manage his or her own time. We would be happy to come to your company and train your managers or employees. Call us and we will develop a suitable concept for your company together with you.

Z drugiej jednak strony jest to również kwestia wzmocnienia ludzi, aby nie zostali zdmuchnięci przez burzę wielu zadań. Aby ustawili żagle, aby móc określić kierunek nawet w burzliwych czasach. Właśnie w tym zakresie persolog wspiera firmy za pomocą persolog Stress Model. Chętnie przyjedziemy na szkolenie wewnętrzne lub wspólnie z Tobą znajdziemy indywidualne rozwiązanie. Zapraszamy do kontaktu telefonicznego.

Co mówią nasi klienci

The Time Management Profile enables a differentiated discussion of one's own approach to time, thus ensuring acceptance and forming the basis for sustainable behavioral change.

The materials were very detailed and practical. I was particularly impressed by the wide range of topics on the subject of time management!

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