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How Leaders Build Resilience and Maintain Composure Despite Uncertainty. Leaders today face numerous challenges. From bumpy digitalization processes and uncertain future prospects to the crisis mode becoming a permanent state and high pressure for performance. But that’s not all. In addition, leaders must ensure that their teams work efficiently remotely,…

Articles on the topic: Leadership

Die „Führungsecken“ – Übung für dein Führungskräfte-Training

The "Leadership Corners" Exercise for Your Leadership Training

When you ask your participants in leadership training what leadership means to them, you probably often see pensive faces. Leadership? That carries a lot of weight. Putting it into words, however, is not...
Wie Führungskräfte ihren wichtigsten Mitarbeiter führen – sich selbst

How leaders lead their most important employee - themselves

Is it possible to connect outer success with inner serenity and balance? Is it possible to lead a productive, economically successful life while remaining coherent and authentic, and having deep, meaningful...
Delegieren statt strapazieren – Delegation in 7 Schritten

Delegate Instead of Strain - Delegation in 7 Steps

Delegating tasks isn't always easy for leaders. Often, they end up taking on their employees' tasks, putting themselves under pressure. Many managers feel that by delegating a task, they're relinquishing...
persologSeite 13 Mikro-Management: Wenn der Vorgesetzte alle Aufgaben übernimmt

Micromanagement: When the supervisor takes on all tasks

How a supervisor's leadership style is shaped often depends on whether they trust their employees. Because lack of trust in employees' abilities favors what's known as micromanagement.
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