
Skuteczne przewodzenie w czasach ciągłych zmian

How Leaders Build Resilience and Maintain Composure Despite Uncertainty. Leaders today face numerous challenges. From bumpy digitalization processes and uncertain future prospects to the crisis mode becoming a permanent state and high pressure for performance. But that’s not all. In addition, leaders must ensure that their teams work efficiently remotely,…

Articles on the topic: Leadership

Wie viel Freiheit für Mitarbeiter gut ist

How Much Freedom is Good for Employees

How much freedom is good for employees is a much-discussed question: how much freedom is beneficial, and how much control is necessary? This topic is becoming increasingly important as our world, and consequently...
Wie du Menschen für Veränderungen gewinnst

How You Win People for Change

Perhaps you're familiar with this? Some people you can easily persuade to embrace change, while others seem like "tough nuts to crack." Yet, your colleagues often succeed in winning over these "tough nuts."...
Wie du scheinbar unlösbare Probleme mal anders angehen kannst

How You Can Approach Seemingly Unsolvable Problems Differently

Often, in "difficult" problems, the challenge we face is that we see the problems so strongly that we simply cannot see any solution at all. When you are faced with such seemingly unsolvable problems,...
persologSeite 9 Warum du mit Alternativen immer weiterkommst

Why Using Alternatives Helps You Make Progress

"Do we want to call alone or with the supervisor?", "Do you want to conduct the probation discussion alone or should I be there?", "Do you want the salad with just tuna or also with feta cheese?" When...
Wie du lernst, Situationen neu zu bewerten

How to Learn to Reevaluate Situations

Everyone can create and capitalize on spaces of freedom, regardless of whether they are entrepreneurs, leaders, assembly line workers, or telemarketers. The spaces of freedom may vary, but they are often...
Wie dir Grundsatzentscheidungen den Bewerbungsprozess erleichtern

How Fundamental Decisions Facilitate the Application Process

We make thousands of decisions every day, many of which require energy. Especially in application processes, decisions abound: Does the applicant advance to the next round—yes or no? Unfortunately, we...
7 Gründe, warum Mitarbeiter ein Unternehmen verlassen

7 Reasons Why Employees Leave a Company

The termination of an employment relationship by employees can generally be attributed to several factors. In addition to external factors such as moving to another city or the desire to focus full-time...
So triffst du Entscheidungen leichter und sicherer

Making Decisions Easier and More Confident

In life, we are constantly faced with decisions: What do I eat today? Should I wear a shirt or a t-shirt? However, alongside everyday decisions, there are also those – especially in professional life –...
tips for effective employee conversations

7 Tips for Effective Employee Conversations

Especially at the beginning of the year, many companies conduct employee conversations. During these discussions, the past year is reviewed, and new goals are set for the current year. If these conversations...
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