Jak samoprzywództwo ułatwia pracę zdalną


Jak samodzielne wykonywanie pracy w domowym biurze może pomóc


Working from home:


For some, it’s a dream; for others, it’s a burden. But every remote worker will agree: working from home is a significant challenge for self-leadership.

Whether it’s activating willpower when seeing the neighbor tidying their balcony on a sunny day, thinking, “If they can do it, so can I. It’ll only take 1-3 hours. I can do the presentation tomorrow morning right before the meeting.” Or being torn between gathering energy and ending up glued to the desk chair, thinking, “Ha! I can see something brewing there. I bet it’ll pour in 10 minutes. Then I won’t go for a run!”

Many of you who have worked from home in recent months will recognize these or similar thoughts. I’ve certainly discovered them more than once in my own thinking. But what I’ve also discovered is how important our Self-Leadership Model can be in this context.


How the 4 dimensions and 7 strategies help me be more productive and satisfied at work:


Looking at what I do all day through the 4 dimensions of self-leadership helps me put my behavior into a context that helps me identify entrenched thinking and behavior patterns. And when I consciously consider the 7 strategies of self-leadership, I find ways to eliminate unproductive actions and reactions, making me not only more effective but also happier when working from home. Our self-leadership approach has helped me more than once in recent months to leave my balcony as it is and to seize the right moment to put on my running shoes instead.


Simone Clement, Product Developer for the persolog® Self-Leadership Model

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