7 Mistakes to Avoid in Sales Conversations


7 Fehler, die du im Verkaufsgespräch meiden solltest

Many of us have experienced it: a promising conversation with a potential new customer is on the horizon. However, the expectation is not met, as a deal fails to materialize. The reasons for this vary, but one thing is certain: Sales conversations often fail due to specific mistakes that could be easily avoided. In this article, we take a closer look at seven common errors that jeopardize the successful conclusion of a business conversation. Learn how to navigate these pitfalls in order to perform better in the future.

What is selling, anyway?

Selling is much more than just the perfect conclusion of a contract between different individuals. Selling is primarily an interpersonal process, where you should definitely consider the rules of interpersonal communication. If you start a sales conversation without reflection, reaching a conclusion becomes challenging. The following mistakes show you why sales conversations often fail.

Sales Conversation: Avoid these 7 Mistakes

Mistake 1: Unclear Benefit Communication

If you cannot clearly convey the benefits of your product or service to the customer, it will be difficult to arouse the customer’s interest and achieve a conclusion.

Our Tip: Ensure that you can articulate the clear benefits of your product or service in understandable and concise statements tailored to the individual needs and challenges of your customers. Use concrete examples and case studies to illustrate the positive impact of your offer. Emphasize how it can solve your customers’ problems and enhance their value.

Mistake 2: Criticizing Competitors

Certainly, customers will also seek offers from your competitors. In many companies with centralized purchasing, this is even a requirement. Avoid the urge to speak ill of your competitor. It appears unprofessional and can cost you the deal.

Our Tip: There’s nothing wrong with praising the competition occasionally. Be confident and show your counterpart that you’re not afraid of your competitors. This conveys the impression that you are confident in your own offer.

Mistake 3: Not Knowing Your Strengths

Have you ever thought about how you behave as a salesperson? If you don’t reflect on your own sales personality, it will be difficult to improve and identify your weaknesses, and work on them specifically.

Our Tip: Use a self-assessment tool to uncover your behavior as a salesperson. Only when you are aware of what you are good at and where you can improve, you have the chance to become better. For example, you can use our online report Sales in Focus. In just 20 pages, you get a personalized analysis of your sales behavior, described briefly and concisely – along with many tips on how to increase your sales. The entire profile is based on D, I, S & C, in other words, on the persolog® Personality Factor Model.

Mistake 4: Lack of Interest in the Customer

Don’t conduct sales conversations according to a set formula. If you just recite common phrases, it gives the customer the impression that you lack any interest. Only well-prepared sellers can respond to the wishes and needs of their customers.

Our Tip: Research online before talking to your customer. The more you know about your customers and their products/services, the more professional the conversation will appear – and the more confident you will feel during the conversation. Tailor your approach to the customer. “Ask, ask, ask” is the motto here. This way, you can adjust your offer directly to the customer and align your arguments with the customer’s personality. Especially if your sales process involves multiple conversations, the persolog® Strategy Planner for Sales and Service can help you assess your customer correctly and tailor your communication to them. This significantly increases the likelihood of a conclusion.

Mistake 5: Talking Too Much, Listening Too Little

A common mistake is for the salesperson to talk too much. Don’t place yourself at the center of the conversation; focus on your customer. It won’t get you far if your share of the conversation significantly outweighs the customer’s.

Our Tip: A good sales conversation requires active listening to offer the right solutions. It’s important to address the customer’s needs and support them with your products/services. This way, you learn what your customer wants and how they operate – only then do you have a chance at getting the deal.

Mistake 6: Lack of Self-Confidence

Someone who appears unsure in a sales conversation has a tough time. Your customer wants to rely on you and will hardly be satisfied with vague statements like “we’ll try to make it happen,” “maybe yes,” or “probably.”

Our Tip: Confidence starts before the actual conversation – right from the greeting. Be aware of your nonverbal communication as well. Show openness, greet your customer with a firm handshake during an in-person meeting, and look them in the eyes. Show your conversation partner during the conversation that you can fulfill the required services 100%.

Mistake 7: Closing the Conversation Without a Follow-Up

The classic: The conversation went well, but your customer needs time to think and requests some time. It’s entirely legitimate for people to need time to think. However, if you conclude the conversation without a plan, there’s a high probability that the offer will fizzle out.

Our Tip: If you’re asked for time to think at the end of the conversation, inquire about the reasons. This way, you can understand where there are still questions, uncertainties, or concerns and consider them in your communication. Definitely schedule a follow-up appointment at the end of the conversation to be back in touch soon. Sometimes, a sentence at the end like “I look forward to our collaboration” can expedite the conclusion.

If you avoid these mistakes and follow our tips, you increase the chance of closing a sale. And as always, practice, practice, practice! With each sales conversation, you gain confidence.

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