How to overcome any crisis with inner strength


Wie du mit innerer Stärke jede Krise überwindest

Do you know those people who seem to go through life with a protective shield? When crises or strokes of fate throw them off course, they still manage to carry on, pressure and stress don’t knock them down, but make them stronger. Where other people end up in depression, addiction or burn-out, they stay healthy. They are resistant. That resistance has a name: Resilience. 

Resilience – but really, what is it? 

Resilience, a word that has become increasingly fashionable in recent years. Simply said, resilience stands for inner resistance, endurance and flexibility. This doesn’t mean that resilient people never suffer setbacks or that they don’t mind difficulties and challenges. But they do have the resources and skills to bounce back despite adverse circumstances. They know how to deal with setbacks and how to draw on their strengths and skills to keep going. 

Resilience: Accept. Feeling. Guiding. Understanding. 

How can you know if a person is resilient or not? There’s no quick way to tell. Because: Resilience is made out of many different factors. There is no unanimous opinion on how many and which factors count toward resilience. But similar factors are mentioned again and again. These include realistic optimism, a positive self-image, acceptance or future orientation. The persolog® Resilience Profile works with 10 factors, which were developed step by step. These 10 factors can be divided into 4 areas: Accepting, Feeling, Guiding and Understanding. But what is behind them? 

Acceptance – Accepting oneself and life? 

Acceptance means accepting what cannot be changed or even what has passed. Some people find it easy by nature to accept life and themselves as they are. They believe in themselves and the good in life. They take responsibility for their lives and their decisions. But they can also accept that something cannot be changed. They trust that every event also contains positive aspects. 

What should you accept, but you do not succeed yet? 

Feeling – Dealing with emotions mindfully.

 How do you deal with your feelings? Do you let them drive you? Or do you perhaps not allow them at all? Fundamental to resilience is being able to control your emotions, but also being able to notice and allow them. The ability to create positive emotions within yourself is an important skill that helps you go through life more content. 

In what situations do you feel that your emotions are dragging you down? 

Guidance – finding orientation and support 

Social support is considered one of the crucial factors for psychological well-being. When a person knows that he can rely on his family and friends, he is better able to cope with stress and negative emotions such as anxiety and dejection. Also, the ability to find solutions by oneself and a realistic optimism help to find orientation in life and thus be more resilient. 

Which person can you rely on 100%? 

Understanding – questioning behavior and situations 

Do you also have that one friend who always notices immediately when something is wrong? Who can look you straight in the heart? Probably he or she is very empathic. Empathy is the ability and willingness to understand other people. It helps you choose the right words and respond appropriately. This allows you to guide situations and shape relationships. However, it is important not only to understand people, but also to be able to interpret situations. Why? When you find out why you ended up in a certain situation, you can avoid mistakes in the future. You can figure out what you can do about it and put your energy into things you can change. 

Think about a current challenge. Think about what causes it and whether they are related. 

Developing Resilience. 

Perhaps you are now wondering whether you are resilient or not. No matter how strong this competence is in you – you can develop it. It won’t happen overnight, but you can do it! It’s best to start with one resilience factor. Reflect on the areas in which you would like to develop further. 

Resilience helps people to cope with difficult situations and crises. And you can not only increase your own resilience, but also help others to do the same. 

If you’re passionate about supporting others and eager to make a difference, consider joining our Resilience Certification program. It’s an investment in your lifelong journey, as resilience not only aids in challenges but also in everyday life.

Learn more: Free E-Book:

Odporność w centrum uwagi

Discover concrete steps to enhance your resilience. Experience the true meaning of accepting what life offers you. Learn how to effortlessly emerge from an emotional low, find direction in seemingly distant difficult situations, and utilize your reflective abilities to become more resilient.

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