EnergyFactors – What’s the Benefit?


EnergyFactors – Wie du Werten, Motiven und Bedürfnissen auf die Spur kommst

How to Uncover Values, Motives and Needs


In a society that is continually speeding up, individuals, systems, and organizations must enhance their agility. They require improved speed and efficiency in their interactions and responses. To achieve this, they need support. Here’s why values, motives, and needs are a good starting point for preparing for these challenges and how the persolog® EnergyFactors model helps uncover them.


Continuous Change Challenges Individuals and Organizations


We live in an exciting yet turbulent and chaotic world. New times bring new knowledge, new processes, and new orders. This has been the case in the past and remains so today. Along with the times, people also change: their ways of thinking, value systems, and entire corporate cultures. What was promising and effective yesterday may be outdated today. If organizations previously focused on values like structure, order, and rules, modern companies now strive for cooperation, team success, networking, and synergy. And we humans must keep up: we must quickly adapt to new ways of thinking, value structures, and new cultures. We must develop the willingness and ability to act and communicate differently, initiate changes, and support them. The recent COVID-19 crisis has made us realize: We are in the midst of continuous change.


Why Change Begins Internally


Historically, every socio-cultural development was associated with new thinking and thus entailed a psychological paradigm shift. However, fundamental change seldom occurs externally. Rather, it occurs within us – in the way we perceive the world I think about it. This “how” is significantly influenced by our energy factors.


What are Energy Factors?


The interplay between the three driving intrapsychic components – motives, values, and needs – forms an individual’s energy source, described by persolog® as energy factors. These energy factors provide people with orientation and drive them to develop certain attitudes I beliefs, which in turn can be translated into specific thought patterns I emotional preferences. In every phase of life and development, people experience a certain basic tension and try to solve the problems they face. In various social systems, they repeatedly confront their demands and strive to maintain their well-being and health through adapted coping strategies. Energy factors contribute to maintaining mental health. In interaction, they lead to tensions between health-promoting I inhibiting drives. A balanced relationship ensures development, personal growth, and progress. Exploring one’s own and collective energy factors requires intensive self-reflection – a look beyond the behavioral level, which the persolog® EnergyFactors model makes possible in an illustrative way.


Take a Look Behind the Scenes of Behavior: The 7 Energy Factors in Their Dynamics


Each energy factor is defined by the spiral interplay between challenges and coping strategies.

Energy factors form a kind of bio-psychosocial DNA that guides our decisions and determines what drives us and what drains our energy.



The Advantages of Knowing your Own Energy Factors


The persolog® EnergyFactors model aims to develop or expand people’s knowledge about their own energy factors and the energy structures of larger systems, such as teams or organizations. Participants engage with their own motives, values, and needs and learn about their personal energy structure. Building on their insights, they develop individual strategies to better align themselves with their environment in the long term.

The goal of the model is to provide participants with a tool to better understand, influence, and regulate certain aspects of their lives in the future: Why do I think the way I do? Why do I behave the way I do? Why do I do everything in certain situations to achieve a specific goal?

These are questions that the persolog® EnergyFactors profile raises – and aims to answer together with the training participants. When we know and understand which energy factors are currently active in us, which factors drive us and influence us to see our environment the way we do, we can take targeted action: We can better define our own processes of change, drive them forward, and involve other people.

When our inner energy flows are finely tuned like the instruments of an orchestra, they produce a harmonious sound. Successful personal and business growth processes can be expected as a result.

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