
Model czynników osobowości persolog®: Koniec ze stereotypami

Jak odkryć indywidualność i uwolnić potencjał dzięki modelowi czynników osobowości persolog®: Twój przewodnik po szkoleniach, coachingu i biznesie. "W persolog promujecie stereotypy" - krytyka, którą często słyszymy w persolog. Właśnie dlatego chcemy się tym zająć w tym artykule. Czy model D, I, S i C promuje stereotypy? Tak, ale...

Articles on the topic: Personality

Wie du deine Denkweise ändern und erfolgreich werden kannst

Mindset Matters: Jak zmienić nastawienie i odnieść sukces

Are you ready to unleash your full potential and lead a more successful and fulfilling life? Imagine overcoming obstacles and challenges with ease, overcoming self-doubt and achieving your goals with confidence...
Das kann der neue persolog Personal Mastery Report

Oto, co może zrobić nowy raport persolog Personal Mastery Report

Product Developer Dr. Lana Ott in an Interview: persolog products are continuously evolving. Our goal is not only to meet new content and technical requirements but also to provide the best possible benefit...
D, I, S und G: Verhalten beobachten und richtig erkennen

Why We Misinterpret the Behavior of Others and How to Prevent It

D, I, S, and C: Observing Behavior and Recognizing It Correctly: "She's definitely highly initiative!" A sentence that one or the other has surely thought at some point. But then, while filling out a...
Die 5 Sprachen der Liebe

Do You Know the 5 Love Languages?

The secret to a functioning relationship: Valentine's Day – the day dedicated entirely to love. On this day, we can surprise our loved ones with small gestures or gifts and show them how much we appreciate...
New Work: Der Weg zu einer zukunftsfähigen und attraktiven Arbeitswelt

New Work: The Path to a Sustainable and Attractive Work Environment

In our fast-paced world, the workplace is constantly evolving. In this context, the term "New Work" is becoming increasingly common. The concept of "New Work" describes the vision of a work environment...
5 schädliche Denkmuster und wie sie überwindest

5 szkodliwych wzorców myślowych i jak je przezwyciężyć

Climate crisis, energy crisis, inflation, pandemic... Currently, we are confronted with several crises simultaneously, which not only affect us personally with their accompanying effects but also pose...
Agiles Mindset: Co to jest i jak to działa?

Czynnik sukcesu Zwinne nastawienie

The success factor in uncertain times: The working world is undergoing epochal change. Not least, the pandemic has accelerated this transformation. Constantly changing rules of conduct and working conditions,...
5 największych błędów w treningu D-I-S-G

The 5 Biggest Mistakes in D, I, S & C Trainings

And how to do it better. "It is a great advantage in life to make mistakes from which you can learn as early as possible." This quote by Winston Churchill has great significance for me as a trainer for...
Höre nie auf, dich weiterzuentwickeln

Nigdy nie przestawaj się rozwijać

We're familiar with it in business: if a company doesn't evolve, innovate, or increase profits, competitors quickly surpass it, often faster than expected. The world is in constant flux; change is the...
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