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persolog Blog zum Thema Selbstliebe

Many people find it difficult to love themselves. You too?

Constantly looking only at our own faults, flaws and failures and measuring ourselves against them prevents us from taking the path to self-love. How are we supposed to love ourselves if we don’t realize how great we are?

Thoughts such as “I’m not good enough”, “I’m not worth it” or “I can’t do it anyway” are what we consider to be true and therefore stand in our way. Why do we accept these negative beliefs and not question them? This is exactly what I would like to encourage you to do in today’s blog article. I would like to invite you on a journey to more self-love:


But what exactly is hidden behind the term “Self-Love”?

Self-love refers to a positive and healthy relationship with yourself. This means that you accept yourself as you are. It also means that you respect yourself and take care of your own physical, emotional and mental well-being.

However, it is important to emphasize here that self-love does not mean not allowing any negativity at all. Rather, it is about recognizing negative habits and beliefs, questioning them and not allowing them to become part of your identity. Otherwise, it can quickly turn into toxic positivity. It is important to reflect on yourself, be open to criticism and learn to accept yourself despite your own limitations and not close your eyes to them. The key is to be in harmony with yourself.


Therefore, it is important that you learn to love yourself:


What does self-love do? Quite clearly: your self-confidence and inner strength increase. When you love yourself, you feel good and valuable. This helps to reduce insecurities and self-doubt and to believe in yourself and your abilities.

Your mental health will also benefit, as you will be better able to deal with stress and build (emotional) resilience. In the long term, self-love will make you happier and more relaxed. We often make ourselves dependent on what others think of us. But it is so important to ignore this. This will make you happier and less dependent.

Self-love also helps you on your journey to yourself and is a support for self-realization. By reducing negative self-talk, thoughts and affirmations, you can pursue your goals and dreams without getting in your own way.

This means you can be yourself and that’s a good thing – because you are worth it.


With These 5 Strategies, You Can Become Your Biggest Fan


We are often – consciously or unconsciously – our own biggest critic. Yet we should accept and love ourselves just as we are. Self-acceptance and self-love are the key to a happier life – but where is the best place to start?

  • Don’t compare yourself to others. Social media in particular offers the opportunity to compare yourself with others. Realize that you only exist once. Focus on your life and shape it the way you want it to be.
  • Trust yourself. You can make decisions, because we usually know what is best for us.
  • Replace negative thoughts with positive ones. Observe your thoughts. If you catch a critical, negative thought, pause for a moment and replace it with a positive affirmation. Talk to yourself as you would to your friends.
  • Start an everyday journal. Every day, write down how you are feeling, how your day was, what you are grateful for and put your thoughts into writing.
  • Prioritize yourself. Of course, it’s important to look out for the people around you and not hurt anyone. However, it is just as important to say “no” sometimes and take time for yourself. A little “me-time” has never hurt anyone. 🙂
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