Stres w zespole?


Stres w zespole?

How to De-escalate Conflicts


Few things affect workplace performance as significantly as negative stress energy within a team. Even if the tension is primarily felt by one team member, it often impacts the entire team, resulting in more conflicts and reduced productivity. Here’s how to recognize warning signs to prevent escalation and contribute to a constructive solution.


Causes of Stress in the Team


But what leads to such a tense, stressed, and unproductive team atmosphere? There can be various triggers: A new member joins the team, and colleagues struggle to fully integrate them. Additionally, if performance is lacking, it creates more pressure. Or after years, significant changes occur in the workplace. A team member falls behind and attempts tasks beyond their capabilities, leading to errors and loss of trust from colleagues.

Often, stress originates within the teams themselves. The crucial question is: What does the leadership do? Do they ensure the problem is resolved, or do they allow the pressure to build until it explodes? My advice: intervene early. Only then can deadlocks and escalations be avoided.


Early Warning Signs of Escalating Conflicts


How can non-productive stress energy in teams be recognized? Here are some warning factors to keep an eye on:

  1. Collegial behavior deteriorates.
  2. Tone becomes formal or irritable.
  3. Team members start monitoring each other.
  4. Seeking errors in others and exposing them.
  5. Increased competitiveness among team members.
  6. Disagreements are amplified with low willingness to compromise.
  7. Employees clash; cliques form.
  8. Blame is assigned for mistakes.
  9. Subtle hostilities and intrigues spread.
  10. Mutual helpfulness declines.

The negative consequences of tension and stress are immense. Therefore, it’s crucial for leaders to identify a stressed work atmosphere as early as possible. Only by keeping an eye on these warning signs can you intervene promptly.


What You Can Do to Ease the Situation


When a tense work atmosphere is recognized, it’s essential to take immediate action. For instance, you can mediate between team members without showing bias. Remember that everyone is different, so tailor your messages to suit various personalities. You can clarify conditions and requirements with your team and make agreements to avoid such situations in the future. Goals should be clearly articulated.

Ideally, such conflicts and stress situations can be resolved independently by the involved parties without significant consequences.


Debora Karsch

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