How You Can Approach Seemingly Unsolvable Problems Differently


Wie du scheinbar unlösbare Probleme mal anders angehen kannst


Often, in “difficult” problems, the challenge we face is that we see the problems so strongly that we simply cannot see any solution at all. When you are faced with such seemingly unsolvable problems, you can consider: What would I do if all circumstances were perfect?

In complex situations where we are stuck, it is often difficult for us to think in terms of solutions because we focus too much on problems that hinder seemingly good solutions. This is human and normal. It’s automatic. However, you can break this automatic response by considering what you would do if there were no adverse circumstances.

The next time you find yourself in a situation where you can’t find a solution, think: What would I do if all circumstances were perfect? Visualize this end state and then gradually approach this solution step by step. For example: You are self-employed and have clients only from one industry. This seems too risky to you, but you can’t make the shift because you have no experience in other industries, are too busy, etc. Your perfect solution would be: You would have 50% of clients from one industry and 50% from another. Now think: What can I do today to get there? For example, build a network, gain experience, seek recommendations. Try one thing at a time, and you will gradually approach this solution.


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Debora Karsch, Managing Director and Master Trainer of persolog GmbH

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