What Do You Believe About Yourself?


Was glaubst du über dich?


Why It’s Worth Questioning Your Beliefs:


“I’m not good enough,” “I can’t make mistakes,” “I must always handle everything alone” – perhaps one of these phrases sounds familiar to you. Have you ever thought or heard someone in your environment say these? Without realizing it, most people carry such negative beliefs with them. Few realize how strongly this affects our self-worth, self-perception, and ultimately our lives and relationships. The good news is: You can change that! Here’s how.


But what are beliefs anyway?


Beliefs are sentences that are repeated constantly until they are internalized. They are our internal assumptions and deep convictions. We see them as true and live by them. Positive beliefs can lead to a completely new mindset that motivates us and boosts our self-esteem – but they also have a strong influence on our actions. Because sentences that we constantly hear or think about eventually become beliefs. This can either positively or negatively affect us and our quality of life.


Where do these beliefs actually come from?


These deep convictions that influence us so strongly result from our childhood and life experiences. What you heard more often from your parents, friends, or people in your environment in the past, you may have automatically internalized without realizing it. Your life experience and childhood experiences shape your perception and what you consider right.


What types of beliefs are there?


It is important to realize that there are positive and negative beliefs and that they can strongly influence us. To succeed in this, it is important to know how to recognize them:

Negative beliefs prevent us from personal development, recognizing our strengths, and realizing our potential. They hold us back and diminish our self-esteem. As a result, you trust yourself less and doubt yourself.


“I’m not good enough”

“I’m not allowed to make mistakes”

“I always have to handle everything alone”

“I have to impress others with my ideas”

“If I get emotional, I’m showing my weaknesses”


Positive beliefs can have an almost magical effect on us and our brains, provided you are also willing to change. They can inspire you and help you on the way to your goals and desires.


“I am valuable”

“I am not perfect and that’s okay”

“I take care of myself and my needs”

“I deserve to be happy”

“I am proud of myself”


How can you influence your beliefs?


Teraz twoja kolej: Even if you feel strange at first, writing down sentences like “I am good just the way I am” or “I am beautiful” or even saying them out loud in front of the mirror is already a first step in establishing positive beliefs. You will see: It is worth replacing negative beliefs with positive affirmations! And don’t worry: even if it is initially difficult for you to say “Yes!” to yourself in this way, stick with it. You will soon see a change when these positive affirmations anchor themselves in your heart and gradually push out the negative beliefs.


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