7 powodów, dla których pracownicy odchodzą z firmy


7 Gründe, warum Mitarbeiter ein Unternehmen verlassen


The termination of an employment relationship by employees can generally be attributed to several factors. In addition to external factors such as moving to another city or the desire to focus full-time on childcare, it is almost always the current personal values and needs that are not fulfilled within the company and ultimately favor the decision to resign. These internal factors can be summarized into 7 reasons that explain why employees do not feel (or no longer feel) connected to a company.


1. Maximum Uncertainty

Employees who value cohesion and security have a strong need for routines and continuity. Well-established work processes provide them with stability. A familiar and secure working atmosphere instills pride in these individuals to work for the company. They are willing to put their own needs aside and act selflessly in the interest of the company. However, if they perceive a culture of replaceability, their loyalty diminishes. Being replaceable and thus feeling no job security is an absolute reason for some people to leave a company.



2. Lack of Autonomy


Some individuals are characterized by their ability to be particularly decisive and ambitious. They want to take charge, control things, and drive them forward. Often they have a strong charisma and a desire for fame and honor. If these individuals are not given or even deprived of autonomy, the company does not provide them with the motivation they usually derive from work. When words are spoken, but not followed by actions, these individuals feel out of place and leave the company.


3. Prevailing Chaos


Companies are systems that provide their employees with more or less structure. Some people have a strong need to feel this structure, to follow it, and to protect it from possible disruptions. If accuracy, organization, order, and discipline are emphasized among employees, but inaccuracy, chaos, disorder, and sloppiness prevail in the company, these individuals cannot live out their values or even feel weakened in their deepest convictions. This drains energy and ultimately leads to the termination of employment.


4. Lack of Opportunity for Success


Developing oneself, achieving success, and autonomously advancing to the next level on the career ladder drives many people. They love challenges and competition, enjoy measuring themselves, and are experimental. In companies where these individuals perceive that their performance is not appreciated by their superiors – including in terms of material compensation – they lose their connection to the company. It deprives them of the strength to give up their autonomy and postpone personal growth. In the long run, this company is not the right place for these individuals to flourish.


5. Lack of Harmony


Some companies have a culture of elbowing. Employees compete with each other, strive to be better than their colleagues, and literally vie for the attention of their superiors. For employees who value harmony, cooperation, fairness, and humanity, this quickly puts them in a shark tank. Instead of feeling part of a community, they realize: Here, it’s all about competition. They perceive that things, processes, and decisions come before people – an work environment where they don’t like to stay.


6. No Room for Vision


Some people are brimming with new ideas and grand visions. They have new insights into how processes can be optimized and directions can be changed. If these ideas fall on deaf ears, a part of these individuals’ inner fire for the company fades. If they are denied opportunities for analytical thinking and creativity, the innermost values and needs of these individuals cannot be fulfilled. Before the flame completely extinguishes, these individuals prefer to submit their resignation early.


7. Lack of Sustainability


Some companies focus on short-term success and quick fixes. In a work environment like this, especially people who deal with social and environmental issues do not feel connected for long. They are selfless, think holistically, and often strive for material minimalism. If the company’s actions contradict these values and endanger the security of future generations, the resignation lands quickly on the supervisor’s desk.

Employees often resign because they cannot live out their personal values and needs within the company. This shows how relevant it is to consider the internal resignation factors!

Resignations are indeed frustrating for both companies and employees – especially when financial and time resources have been invested. Above all, resignations of this kind are avoidable.


3 Tips to Reduce Resignations


• On a management level, identify the values your company should stand for. Regularly ensure that your company culture follows these values.

• In the recruitment process, identify the values and needs of applicants and compare them with the values of your company.

• Ensure that well-established employees are not shortchanged in terms of fulfilling their values and needs during change processes.

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