I can do it!


Die Fähigkeit, an sich selbst zu glauben

The power of perceived self-efficacy


“How can I ever cope with that?” Do you know this sentence? Whether it’s a complicated thesis, a sudden big responsibility or financial worries. Some challenges you are confronted with in the course of your life are like a big mountain in front of you. At first, you have no idea how to conquer it. In these situations you lack the confidence that you are able to do it, you don’t believe in your own competence.
In order to master the situation, however, you need just this conviction, you need self-efficacy. You need to convince yourself that you can handle the situation with your abilities, even if it is a massive challenge. In science, this is described with the term “perceived self-efficacy”. “How can I ever cope with that?” must turn into “I can do this!” who perceive their self-efficacy to be strong believe, that they are able to overcome difficulties and challenges on their own. They are convinced of their abilities.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that you have to magically produce new skills at a push of a button. You would only fool yourself and then probably fail miserably. But what matters is the inner confidence that you can basically train the skills you are still lacking in order to reach your goal.


Your image of yourself makes the difference


It is very important for us humans to be convinced of ourselves and our actions. A lack of this conviction leads to insecurity and, in the worst case, to apathy, listlessness or a depressive mood.
An expectation of self-efficacy suddenly opens up a new perspective on your situation. The seemingly unconquerable mountain becomes a sporting challenge. Because if you have this perspective, you can persevere for longer in lean times. It is extremely important for your success and well-being that you are convinced of what you are doing. So this is about a positive self-concept.

How to promote your expectation of self-efficacy

Make yourself aware of your strengths: Think of a challenge or a goal that you no longer believe you can achieve. Then ask yourself the following four questions:

  1. why do I think I can’t do it?
  2. what if the opposite were true and I could achieve it without any problems?
  3. what evidence is there that the opposite could be true? (Think of events in which you have already mastered something similar)
  4. who could confirm that I could do it? Other people can help us change our beliefs by encouraging us.

The fourth step is therefore linked to action: Get courage from that very person!

Why is it worth working on my self-efficacy expectation?

  1. you trust in your ability to achieve your goals
  2. you are convinced that you can solve problems on your own
  3. you see potential stress factors as a challenge
  4. you have greater stamina in the face of obstacles and setbacks

So: Take the path and start believing in yourself and your skills. You are worth it!

Our tip: You can also start by thinking about where your strengths lie and making a list. You can also ask people around you to do this.

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