Obituary for Dorothy Downey, PhD


Dorothee Downey

On September 26, 2024, Dorothy Downey passed away at the age of 94. She spent many years living in Minneapolis and her final years in Phoenix, Arizona. With her passing, we have lost a remarkable individual who was not only a companion but also an integral part of a significant chapter in the development of the Personal Profile System (DISC).

Dorothy Downey was part of the early team around Prof. Dr. John Geier, one of the pioneers of personality self-analysis. As Prof. Geier’s partner and wife, she was his critical sparring partner and a key supporter in the refinement of his concepts for many decades. Especially from 2003 to 2009, she distinguished herself through her analytical sharpness, keen observational skills, and tireless willingness to reflect and evolve ideas.

My own acquaintance with Dorothy Downey dates back to 2003. I still vividly remember our first meeting in a beautiful pizzeria in Minneapolis, together with Prof. Dr. John Geier. It marked the beginning of a long-standing, respectful, and profound relationship that I deeply cherish. Particularly memorable is a weekend spent at Big Lake in northern Minnesota, where we spent hours philosophizing about the concept of “intentions.” These conversations were filled with depth, curiosity, and an openness rarely encountered.

Dorothy possessed an extraordinary ability to combine analytical rationality with great empathy and respect for others. She was always willing to ask deeper questions and add subtle nuances to ideas, opening new perspectives.

A particularly cherished moment was my last visit in 2017 with her, accompanied by Debora Karsch (CEO persolog GmbH). Even in this later stage of life, she displayed that unique combination of warmth, intellectual clarity, and bold thinking that so characterized her. Through her support and critical reflection, Dorothy not only shaped my scientific thinking but also inspired me on a deeper, human level.

I will not forget Dorothy Downey. She was someone who left a mark with her questions and insights — on me and on so many others. She was not just a companion in the development of concepts but also a shining example of humanity, depth, and intellect. Her Memory will live on in my heart.

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