Time management

Setting Priorities Correctly

How to Keep Track of Your Tasks: Do you often feel overwhelmed by all the work and pending tasks, whether in your professional or personal life? Do you find yourself lost in a sea of tasks, not knowing where to start? And do you often feel overburdened? It’s a pity that a day only has 24 hours. We have some smart tips for you that can help you prioritize…

Articles on the topic: Time management

Die Eisenhower-Matrix: Die ultimative Anleitung zu mehr Effizienz

The Eisenhower-Matrix: The Ultimate Guide to More Effectivity

Tasks are piling up on your desk, and you don’t know where to start? Utilize this smart method to effectively regain control of your to-dos according to your priorities. The Eisenhower Matrix is...
persologSeite 2 How to: Das Zeitmanagement eines Teams verbessern

How to: Improve the Time Management of a Team

The Strategy Planner for "Time Management of a Team" makes it possible: A well-functioning team is like a finely synchronized clock, where each member contributes to achieving a common goal. However, reality...
Prioritäten richtig setzen

Setting Priorities Correctly

How to Keep Track of Your Tasks: Do you often feel overwhelmed by all the work and pending tasks, whether in your professional or personal life? Do you find yourself lost in a sea of tasks, not knowing...
Perfektionismus überwinden

Overcoming perfectionism

How to reclaim your time. Perfectionism: If you ask people from abroad how they would describe a typical German, you often get statements like "The ones who reserve the beach loungers on vacation at 6...
persologSeite 5 Weihnachtsstress durch smartes Zeitmanagement verhindern – 3 ultimative Tipps

Prevent Christmas Stress with Smart Time Management - 3 Ultimate Tips

The pre-Christmas season is supposed to be the most reflective time of the year - but it often isn't! However, it could be with better time management. Here are 3 ultimate tips for more serenity and relaxation...
Keine Zeit? Warum dich Zeitmanagement deinen Zielen näher bringt

No Time? Why Time Management Gets You Closer to Your Goals

We all strive for something in our lives. Some know from childhood what profession they want to pursue, others focus all their actions on winning a competition. Some develop an inner drive to start a family,...
Gießkannen-Prinzip: Im Zeitmanagement zum Scheitern verurteilt!

The Watering Can Principle: Doomed to Fail in Time Management!

We've pondered what truly distinguishes effective and sustainable time management training from less relevant and hardly fruitful ones. The result is as simple as it is surprising.
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