The persolog® Personality Factor Model: Putting an End to Stereotyping


Individualität entdecken und Potenziale freisetzen – der Leitfaden für dein Training, Coaching und Unternehmen

How to Discover Individuality and Unleash Potential with the persolog® Personality Factor Model


The guide for your training, coaching and company


“You promote stereotyping”. An accusation we hear at persolog again and again. That is why we would like to address it in this article. Does the D, I, S and C model promote stereotyping? Yes. But only if it is used in the wrong way. We want to help this personality factor model to be used correctly, to fully realize its potential, and to value each person with his or her complexity and individuality.


Why personality tests are often meaningless

Especially in the area of personality development, we tend to put people into different categories. Many personality tests lead quickly to a result and suggest to people: “That’s exactly who you are!” BUT: This does not help people in the long run. It is important to focus on people’s situational behavior. Because that can be adapted. Various models have been developed to better understand people.

Personality models should not be dogmatic. They should not put people into boxes, but be aware of their limitations. Models never reflect all aspects of reality, but represent differences and similarities systematically. At the same time, they should be practicable, easy to understand, communicable, and respectful in dealing with the object of their study, the human being.


We see the world not as it is, but as we are

Modern theorists know that the perception of events and circumstances has a bigger impact on people’s reactions than the real events and circumstances. Therefore, it is important to find out how people experience their environment.

In one way, we can distinguish whether a person views his or her environment as friendly or hostile. People who perceive their world as hostile see challenges, obstacles, and possible dangers in everything they do. Those who perceive a friendly environment see fun, warmth in those around them, and possible successes.

Furthermore, a distinction can be made between whether a person perceives themselves as strong or less strong. This results in whether a person reacts to the environment in a more determined or reserved manner. People who see themselves as being stronger than their environment believe that they can achieve their goals by using power or willpower, or by convincing others.

Based on these differences in perception, four different behavioral dimensions can be defined, which form the foundation for the persolog® Personality Factor Model.


A Situation-Theoretical Approach – The persolog® Personality Factor Model

Today, the persolog® Personality Factor Model is located in the area of situation-theoretical approaches. The difference to the dispositional trait theory approaches is that persolog does not claim to identify and describe distinct personality traits, but to describe situational behavior. For this purpose, the model uses the basis of these four quadrants.

But what is behind D, I, S and C?

The behavioral dimensions D, I, S and C describe how people react to their environment. Although the persolog® Personality Factor Model is not a measure of a person’s psychological depths, but measures behavior in concrete situations, the model proves to be valid in the light of current personality research. It also provides valuable insights into one’s own behavior and the behavior of others.

Dominant: “I know what I want!”

People with dominant behavioral tendencies are self-confident, determined and decisive. They are characterized by high willpower, accept challenges and actively shape their environment. The other side of the coin: This behavioral style shows little consideration for the feelings and needs of others.

Influencing: “Together we are strong!”

People with influencing behavioral tendencies are more lively, optimistic and talkative. They approach other people in an open and friendly manner, wanting to inspire and engage them. They are not afraid to show emotions. The other side of the coin: In their exuberance they sometimes start too many projects and then don’t finish things properly. Despite all their enthusiasm, they sometimes appear superficial to others.

Steady: “We’d better take it easy…”

People with steady behavior tendencies are calm, reliable and cooperative. They appreciate predictable processes and a relaxed atmosphere. They complete their tasks reliably and with concentration. The flip side of the coin: Steadiness is often coupled with a reluctance to make incalculable changes and a lack of initiative. They find it difficult to deal with conflicts.

Cautious: “What I do, I do right!”

People with the behavioral tendency Cautious are orderly, disciplined and planful. They follow instructions and standards and complete their tasks with exemplary diligence. A structured approach is important to them. The flip side of the coin: Cautious people tend to get caught up in details, find it difficult to let go and delegate, and are sometimes overcautious.

The 4 behavioral dimensions are the basis for 20 behavioral tendencies.

Can every person now be sorted into one of the 4 dimensions D, I, S or C? No, that would be too simple and would also promote pigeonholing. Rather, every person shows a certain combination of behavior in a certain situation, and it is precisely this combination that is to be described with the help of the 20 behavioral tendencies that result from the different manifestations of D, I, S and C. This thorough and yet “simplified” differentiation of human behavior undoubtedly has its justification. For it gives people the chance to describe and better understand the diversity of their own behavior and the behavior of others. In this way, strategies for success can be developed in order to communicate better. After all, successful people are those who can deal with other people in a way that is appropriate to the situation.

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