
Everyone Can Become More Resilient

Our personality as the key to more inner strength: Resilience, the ability to recover from setbacks and come out of them stronger, is an essential part of our mental well-being. But is resilience natural or can it be trained? The answer is: both – and often lies in our personality. Because if you want to develop inner strength and mental resilience,…

Articles on the topic: Resilience

Erfolgreich Führen in Zeiten konstanter Veränderung. Wie Führungskräfte Resilienz aufbauen und trotz Unsicherheit souverän bleiben

Successfully Leading in Times of Constant Change

How Leaders Build Resilience and Maintain Composure Despite Uncertainty. Leaders today face numerous challenges. From bumpy digitalization processes and uncertain future prospects to the crisis mode becoming...
Eine Methode, um die Handlungs- und Lösungsorientierung von Teams zu stärken

Method Tip: Collegial Case Consultation

A method to strengthen the action and solution orientation of teams: Suddenly, you're faced with this problem. This problem that doesn't seem solvable alone. A challenge where you're just not making progress....
persolog Mental Health

Mental Health: 5 Tips on How to Strengthen It

Mental Health, alias Mental Health, is currently a hot topic, and rightly so! Because more than 20% of Germans feel their mental health is affected. That's quite a lot. Therefore, it's even more important...
Die 6 Faktoren der Teamresilienz: psychologische Sicherheit, Bedeutsamkeit, Klarheit und Struktur, Teamwirksamkeit, Handlungs- und Lösungsorientierung, Teamlearning

What makes Teams resilient

We need strong teams! Teams capable of surviving crises. With team resilience, this can be achieved. But what lies behind this term? Here you will find out what team resilience means and how you can strengthen...
Change it, love it or leave it!

Change it, love it or leave it!

This method takes you further: In our daily lives, we often encounter situations where we feel like throwing in the towel and moving to a distant place. Whether it's due to the stressful work environment...
Die Fähigkeit, an sich selbst zu glauben

I can do it!

The ability to believe in oneself. "Do I have what it takes?" Do you know this phrase? Whether it's a complex thesis, sudden major responsibility, or financial worries. Some challenges you face in life...
Wir brauchen Menschen und Menschen brauchen uns

Resilience Factor: Relationships

We need people, and people need us. ♪♫♪ "When the road looks rough ahead And you're miles and miles From your nice warm bed You just remember what your old pal said Boy, you've got a friend in me … You’ve...
Die 10 Faktoren der Resilienz

The 10 resilience factors

What sets apart one friend who bounces back after their company goes bankrupt from the acquaintance who struggles to recover after a divorce? What distinguishes the neighbor who smiles despite challenges...
„Ich kann dich verstehen“ - Wie du dank Empathie besser mit anderen auskommst

"I can understand you"

How to get along better with others thanks to empathy. "Empathy". "How can one be so stupid / stubborn / narrow-minded /...?!" These thoughts often cross our minds when we simply have a completely different...
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