“Do we want to call alone or with the supervisor?”, “Do you want to conduct the probation discussion alone or should I be there?”, “Do you want the salad with just tuna or also with feta cheese?”
When you ask such questions, you are consciously or unconsciously using the NOA technique. The Only-Or-Also technique, which is actually a closing technique for sales. The idea is as follows: You offer the customer an alternative. The first one is always the basic version and the second variant would be your upsell. For example, if you’re a waiter and earn two euros more by adding feta cheese. Or if you want the supervisor to be present in a sales conversation. The beauty of this technique is that it influences decision-making variants. The customer then no longer decides between: Do I want anything on the salad at all or not – but between just tuna or also feta cheese. This technique is brilliant in sales, but also brilliant in leadership.
If you want your employee, who never writes proper minutes, to finally write minutes, then the statement “Write minutes!” is something that might offend someone. Try it like this: “Will you include just the written summary in the minutes or also the photos of the flip charts?” With this, you clearly state that you want minutes without it sounding like a mere order. You offer options to the employee. This makes it easier for you to get employees to do disliked tasks without always having to give direct instructions.
Debora Karsch, CEO and Master Trainer of persolog GmbH
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