How can you recognize what your customer needs? By finding out how your customer ticks and then providing them with what they need. Every customer is unique and has individual needs. As a super salesperson, it’s your job to understand the uniqueness of your customer and to cater to them.
A good way to assess people’s behavior is the D, I, S, and C model. The four letters stand for the four behavioral dimensions: dominant, influencing, steady, and cauious. With this model, you can quickly identify in conversation what motivates your customer and how you can communicate with them optimally. So today, let’s take a look at the four types of customers: D, I, S, and C. Of course, the four behavioral styles are portrayed here in their pure form and somewhat exaggerated. Every person has all four behavioral styles to varying degrees within them. Your task is to determine which behavioral tendencies are strong in your customer and to respond to them.
The Dominant Customer
How to recognize a D customer:
A D customer gets straight to the point, is expressive, speaks loudly and directly. They often have a cool and distant expression and appear resolute and unemotional. They focus on the “WHAT” and orient themselves towards goals and results. Under pressure, they appear dominant and impatient.
How to convince a D customer:
A D customer values novelty with quality, solutions, and performance. They fear losing control and being taken advantage of and want to shape their environment. They want to win and achieve results. It’s important to give direct, short, and concise answers. Emphasize the results and offer alternatives and choices. Avoid chatting, too many details, and repetitions. Do not convey indecisiveness and do not use generalizations.
The Influencing Customer
How to recognize an I customer:
An I customer appears open and talkative. They seem emotional and unconventional. An I customer focuses on the “WHO”. They orient themselves towards others and value acceptance. An I customer speaks loudly and directly. They move quickly, spontaneously, and engage in simple and casual conversations. Under pressure, they appear manipulative and disorganized.
How to convince an I customer:
Emphasize the new, the special, and the unusual. Show your ability to express yourself and emphasize references from experts and opinion leaders. Provide an opportunity for give and take in the sales conversation. Be open, friendly, warm, and exude enthusiasm. Build a relationship with your I customer. Never speak down to an I customer and do not reject their proposals. I customers need you to engage with them and touch them personally.
The Steady Customer
How to recognize an S customer:
An S customer needs time for their decisions and tends to ask questions. S customers speak softly and gently and are diplomatic. They appear open and compassionate, have a warm facial expression, and listen. They place a lot of value on safety and support services. They ask “How?” questions. S customers often move slowly and relaxed. Under pressure, an S customer often appears submissive and indecisive.
How to convince an S customer:
Be patient and friendly when it comes to finding out what goals your customer has. Explain the procedure step by step and describe how these steps lead to the desired goal. Emphasize service and reliability. Be sincere, open, honest, and listen attentively. Speak softly, relaxed, and not too directly. You should definitely avoid rushing too much, being too assertive, or appearing demanding. Give your S customers time to understand and reconsider the solution.
The Cautious Customer
How to recognize a C customer:
A C customer is usually cautious, reserved, and needs time for their decisions. They ask questions and speak softly and diplomatically. C customers often appear closed-off, show little gesture and facial expressions, and appear distant. C customers focus on the “WHY” and orient themselves towards guidelines and standards. Under pressure, a C customer often becomes complaining and stubborn.
How to convince a C customer:
A C customer needs data and facts. Use comparable data material and rely on logical, visible facts and benefits. Focus on details and have all the facts ready. It’s also important that you are well-organized and have written materials ready for decisions. Give detailed answers, address objections thoroughly, and emphasize quality, reliability, and safety. Avoid being vague or casual, especially when it comes to your C customer’s questions. Do not talk to them about personal or family matters until you really know them. Do not speak too loudly or threateningly, and avoid flattering, persuading, and coaxing.
How can you apply this in practice?
Train your observation: If you want to quickly recognize customers’ behavior, you need to practice. Learn the characteristics of the 4 behavioral styles and observe your customers. How do they behave? How do they speak? What questions do they ask?
- Define visible behavioral dimensions: In the second step, analyze the observations. If the customer speaks loudly and decisively, they are probably more of a D or I type. Determine which dimensions are most observable.
- Be aware of your customer’s needs: Once you know how your customer ticks, the next step is to consider what your customer needs. Does he want conversations about personal topics? Does he want to come to a conclusion quickly? Does he value safety? Or perhaps numbers, data, and facts?
- Prepare your conversation: Prepare your conversation so that you can meet your customer’s needs. For an I type, you should plan a little more time to have enough time to talk about personal matters. For a C type, you need written materials.
- Lead the customer conversation: Experience how your customer conversations change when you address the individual needs of your customer.
By the way: To always have an overview of the four behavioral dimensions, we have developed a checklist that you can simply lay on your desk. This way, you always have the content ready and can advise your customers optimally.