AI for Trainers: 5 Practical Tips to Save You Time


AI opens up new possibilities

The rapid advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has opened up countless possibilities, holding great potential in the training business as well. As a trainer, you want to use your limited time efficiently while also improving the quality of your seminars and training sessions. AI can help you achieve this, even without technical expertise. Here are five practical tips on how to use tools like ChatGPT, Copilot, and others in your daily work to save time and provide a high-quality experience for your participants.

1. Faster Research with AI-Powered Tools

Instead of spending hours searching for current studies and information, use AI tools like ChatGPT or other text generators. These tools can provide you with a good overview in just a few seconds. All you need to do is ask a clear question (more on this below) and you will receive relevant information that you can use in your training sessions. Important: Always verify the AI-generated results for accuracy and currency (e.g., via internet research), as AI models can make mistakes and occasionally provide incorrect information. Despite manual quality checks, AI can save you time and summarize results effectively.

2. Preplanning and Structuring Seminar Concepts

A well-thought-out seminar concept is the backbone of every successful training session. Do you have a seminar idea in mind and now face hours of work to bring everything into a coherent concept? An AI tool like ChatGPT can be a great help here. Explain your idea to the AI (or upload a collection of topics you’ve previously created) and let it organize them into a form. You can then refine the result. The AI can also provide feedback on your draft and suggest additions if you prompt it. AI-powered tools like Miro can also help you create a structured and effective seminar concept. These tools offer templates and ideas on how to organize and build your seminar, supporting you in defining content, schedules, and goals.

3. Creating Practice Materials and Handouts

Use AI-powered design tools to create appealing handouts and customized practice materials that include your branding. These tools come with templates and design suggestions that you can easily adjust without needing design skills. For instance, at persolog, we use Canva to create visual content for social media. What was once only achievable by graphic designers using professional tools like InDesign is now practically accessible to everyone due to easy handling. Although some AI-powered features are not yet fully developed, they can still help create simple custom graphics and even short videos.

4. Interactive Presentations with AI-Powered Tools

Creating a good presentation that helps your participants understand the training content can sometimes be challenging. Tools like Mentimeter now offer AI-powered features to make your presentation more interactive during training. For example, you can conduct real-time surveys and quizzes to increase participant engagement. It’s important to refine and personalize the tool-generated draft to meet your expectations.

5. The Key: Good Prompting for Better Results

Writing prompts, or instructions for AI tools like ChatGPT, can be an art in itself. Without a good prompt, the result will not be helpful. A good prompt is specific, clear, and contains all the necessary information for the AI to provide useful answers.

What should you consider?

  • Be specific: Give the AI exact instructions and details.
  • Ask clear questions: Avoid vague or ambiguous phrasing.
  • Provide context: Supply background information if needed.
  • Break down complex tasks: The AI can deliver better results if you explain complex instructions step by step.

Example of a bad prompt: “Explain resilience.”

Example of a good prompt: “Explain the concept of resilience in the context of personal development and give three practical tips to enhance one’s resilience.”

By using clear and detailed prompts, you will receive more precise and useful responses from the AI. Additionally, if you provide the AI with files like your previous concepts or sample texts, it can better meet your specific requirements.

Data Protection and Ethical Considerations

An important aspect to keep in mind when using AI tools is data protection and ethical considerations. Before using a tool, ensure that it complies with data protection regulations. Be particularly cautious with personal data. Inform your participants about what data is collected and how it will be used. Consider how AI decisions might affect your participants and whether these decisions are fair and balanced.

With these practical tips, you can use AI tools to make your work as a trainer and coach more efficient and effective. These tools are easy to use and do not require deep technical knowledge. Try them out and discover how they can help you save time and offer your participants a better learning experience.

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