
The persolog® Personality Factor Model: Putting an End to Stereotyping

How to Discover Individuality and Unleash Potential with the persolog® Personality Factor Model: Your Guide for Training, Coaching, and Business. “At persolog, you promote stereotyping” – A criticism we often hear at persolog. That’s precisely why we want to address this in this article. Does the D, I, S, and C model promote stereotyping? Yes, but…

Articles on the topic: Personality

D, I, S und G feiern Weihnachten

D, I, S and C Celebrate Christmas

Dominant, Influencing, Steady, and Cautious: Which personality type do you identify with? Christmas is around the corner, the most contemplative time of the year when one can simply enjoy spending time...
Wie du Menschen für Veränderungen gewinnst

How You Win People for Change

Perhaps you're familiar with this? Some people you can easily persuade to embrace change, while others seem like "tough nuts to crack." Yet, your colleagues often succeed in winning over these "tough nuts."...
Was einen Superverkäufer ausmacht

What Makes a Super Salesperson

How can you recognize what your customer needs? By finding out how your customer ticks and then providing them with what they need. Every customer is unique and has individual needs. As a super salesperson,...
D,I, S, & G bei der Ostereiersuche

Dominant (D), Influencing (I), Steady (S), and Cautious (C) in Easter Egg Hunts

Easter is just around the corner, raising an important question: How do individuals with the behaviors D, I, S, and C behave during Easter egg hunts? We've researched this for you and hope you enjoy reading...
7 Fehler, die du im Verkaufsgespräch meiden solltest

7 Mistakes to Avoid in Sales Conversations

A promising conversation with new customer is on the horizon. However, the expectation is not met, as a deal fails to materialize. One thing is certain: Sales conversations often fail due to specific mistakes...
Das Geheimnis erfolgreicher Personalauswahl

The Secret of Successful Job Selection

All companies seek the best employees, yet many end up hiring the lesser ones. Often, hiring decisions are made based on either likability or expertise. Neither of these are good criteria for finding a...
Ich sehe was, was du nicht siehst

I spy with my little eye

Our face can produce up to 7,000 different facial expressions. It serves as a repository for 'hidden,' nonverbal communication.
persologSeite 12 Persönlichkeits-Modelle: Schubladendenken oder Schlüssel zum Glück?

Personality Factor Models: Categorization or Key to Happiness?

Personality models are not without controversy. What benefit does it bring us to categorize personality traits? Where does this development come from and ...
Stilgerecht Feedback geben

Providing Feedback Appropriately

Feedback is a form of communication that involves providing someone with input on how their behavior is perceived and interpreted from one's own perspective. Especially educators should be able to handle...
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