Full Throttle Towards New Year’s Resolutions


Neujahrsvorsätze - Wie du deine Ziele nicht aus den Augen verlierst

How to Keep Your Goals in Sight


Perhaps upon reading the title, “Huh? New Year’s resolutions? But it’s not even New Year’s Eve?” you might be thinking, it sounds confusing at first glance. However, that’s precisely the point. Every New Year, we set resolutions and goals that we aim to achieve in the upcoming year. Things like: “This year, I’ll start exercising!” “I’ll cut down on sweets.” Or even, “I absolutely want to start my own business,” and similar aspirations, we set in our minds. Suddenly, the year comes to an end, and everything we resolved to do is forgotten.

But how can we prevent that from happening? Our answer:


With the help of self-leadership!


People who can lead themselves think and act responsibly and autonomously. Especially in times of profound change, they often intuitively make the right decisions. They maintain calmness, self-confidence, and clarity about their own potentials as well as their work and life goals. Life goals that they set years ago or at the beginning of the New Year as resolutions. Goals give us motivation and guide our thinking and actions. Often, we set ourselves short-term as well as long-term goals, which we quickly lose sight of or consider “impossible to achieve.” Thus, we abandon these visions and are unsure of where to go next.


Especially concerning our New Year’s resolutions, we often set high expectations…


…and after three to four months, all willpower and ambition disappear. However, maintaining this excitement and eagerness would be incredibly beneficial, enabling us to tackle our goals with full force. Consequently, at the end of the year, we feel like we’ve accomplished something.


Here’s a tip from us:


Create a list of your goals and write down how and when you plan to pursue each one. You don’t have to do everything at once; start with one or two goals and make a plan. Hang it somewhere visible so you won’t forget your intentions.


These 3 ideas will help you finally achieve your goals:


  1. Ask yourself, “Why do I often lose sight of my resolutions or goals?” Is it a lack of willpower? Is the goal you’ve set not really what you want? Are you sure you genuinely want to achieve the goal, or are you trying to fulfill the expectations of your parents or friends? Try to understand the underlying reasons. At the same time, ask yourself if you really know what you want to do with your life and how you want to live and shape it. Often, our future visions are already outlined, whether by relatives who have certain expectations of us, friends we compare ourselves to, or people on the internet we measure ourselves against. Ask yourself, what do YOU want.
  2. Find your “WHY.” To stick with something, finding our “why” is crucial for us humans. When we find our “why,” it fills us with meaning and a sense of purpose. We feel that what we’re doing has an impact and moves us forward. Usually, it does.
  3. Set goals that you genuinely want to achieve and approach them in stages. No one expects you to reach your goal as quickly as possible, or even immediately. Even if you haven’t achieved your New Year’s resolution after a year, that’s still no reason to think you haven’t had any successes. Just keep working at it and constantly remind yourself of your “WHY.”


By the way, goals can be set not only at New Year’s. You can set goals in April, July, or November as well.

So, grab pen and paper and work on your goals. You can do it!


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