Success Factor Agile Mindset


Ein agiles Mindset: Was ist das und wie geht das?


Agile Mindset – Success factor in uncertain times


Our world has changed. You hear this again and again and everywhere – whether at work, in business or in private life. This change has even been intensified by the Covid crisis. Wearing the mask in public was not the only thing we had to get used to. Moving from working in an office to a home office also required some adjustment. As a result, the demand for flexibility in a professional and/or private context has increased tremendously. Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity shaped us and are still omnipresent. This is summarized in the word “VUCA”.


A change in thinking is required


To survive in this world, we must think in new ways. The pandemic has shown us that once again. We do not live in a static environment, but in a constantly changing one. Especially in our professional environment, new techniques, methods, or technologies contribute to continuous change. What was valid today is no longer valid tomorrow. It is hardly possible to make a static strategy plan at the beginning of the year and to follow it strictly throughout the year. This is because the plan must be continuously adapted to the circumstances and readjusted. There is always a certain degree of uncertainty and unpredictability. That is why we need two things in the professional environment: people with the ability to lead themselves and agility.


So what exactly does Agility mean?


If a company can adapt to new requirements or new circumstances without major problems, this ability is referred to as agility.

  • Accordingly, being agile means that we are able to react and adapt to external conditions (Adaptation).
  • Furthermore, it means that we set and pursue goals (Goal Attainment),
  • that we create a community (Integration), and
  • that we share a common set of cultural values (Latency).

However, how does one become more agile? What does it mean in concrete terms to become more adaptable at work? We can tell you one thing right now – it starts with your mindset.


Agile Mindset = Mindset Change


After what each of us has been through in the last few years, we have all changed. Some more, some less. However, there are people who still think that everything should stay the same or go back to the way it was before Covid.
In resilience research, this is called the crossroads. Here you can decide between giving up (or holding on to the old at all costs) or going new ways. This is where the mindset comes into play, which is crucial for going new ways. It is normal for us humans to create certain guardrails during our lives and to orient ourselves by them. But what exactly is meant by guardrails?

The guardrails of life are beliefs and ways of thinking (mindset) that we consider to be right and important. We orient ourselves by these beliefs. This is good, but it sometimes requires a rethinking or the rebuilding of these guardrails.


Growth Mindset – If there is a Will, there is also a Way


In the professional environment, we should also get away from statements like, “That’s just the way I am, take me as I am.” Every manager should prefer the following statement: “I can adapt”. This approach is called Growth Mindset. It assumes that everyone can change. All that is needed here is the courage and the will to learn and to put things into practice. This process may not always be easy, but it is necessary. Because anyone can change, you just have to want to!


4 Tips for more Agility


Finally, we want to give you four helpful tips on the way to more agility – professionally or privately. These will help you shift your mindset and be more open to new things:

  1. Dare to change your perspective to see things from a different angle. Maybe you’ve been overlooking something all these years. Previous ways of thinking and problem-solving strategies may no longer be sufficient. Recognize the limitations of your own thinking and be open to new approaches.
  2. Reduce stress: When people are stressed, they become less flexible and less open to change. By reducing stress and building resilience, you can better cope with uncertainties and find new solutions.
  3. Develop the willingness to search for alternatives: This means that you need to be open to new approaches and willing to try new ways. It requires self-assessment and a readiness to evolve.
  4.  Recognize Obstacles and Seek Support: realize that you may encounter obstacles and that it is okay to seek help from mentors, trainers, or coaches. This helps you gain new perspectives and further develop your skills.

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