What are you really good at? How to discover your strengths


Und was kannst du so richtig gut? Wie du deine Stärken findest


“What are you really good at?” Does this question always leave you pondering, finding it hard to come up with an answer? Discovering your strengths is like finding the ingredients for the most delicious cake imaginable. At first, you might discover the butter, then the flour, the eggs, the sugar, the lemon zest… Individually, these ingredients aren’t extraordinary, but together, they make a delicious cake. However, it all depends on the taste and the proportions. If you don’t yet know what your perfect cake looks like, rest assured, you’re not alone. This is a common experience for almost everyone at some point in their lives. The ingredients are within you, but individually, they don’t create the tastiest experience. Who wants to eat a bowl of flour or butter? It’s the combination that matters. And you find the mix through baking. Sometimes, I get lucky when creating new recipes, and the first attempt turns out great. But most of the time, it takes many tries to get it just right.


Detours are part of the journey


Often, our own horizons aren’t broad enough for inspiration to find us. That’s why detours, which almost never hurt, are necessary because we learn. If I’ve ever baked with too few eggs, I’ll never forget the result being rock-hard. The effect of salt instead of sugar in a cake will be a unique learning experience. We also learn from others’ mistakes, yes! But our own learning experiences are crucial. Many things in life are more important than immediately choosing the right path for studying or finding the perfect job. Knowing what our talents are, what can become strengths, that’s the key point. And we learn this through observation and experience.




Observe yourself, the reactions of those around you, and the results you achieve. Notice which things go well and repeat in a similar way. You’re with friends by the lake, talking about the new book you’ve read, and two weeks later, three others have read it too. You mention a new series to your partner, and two hours later, they suggest watching it. You have a critical customer who complains, and half an hour later, they buy half your inventory. These are repeating patterns. You can persuade and inspire people. A strength. Or you read a magazine and find at least 30 mistakes in each issue. Colleagues constantly ask you to proofread their important emails. Probably means you have an eye for errors and inaccuracies. A strength. Friends usually call you when they’re not feeling well. Colleagues tell you about their problems. You’re probably a good listener. A strength. I could go on endlessly like this.


Use a personality model


You can significantly shorten these observation phases by taking personality tests, which provide excellent reflection if they’re good. There are countless ones on the market. Many of them aren’t useful, but some are genuinely good and complement each other. For example, some provide feedback on your motives, others on your personality in general, and others on your behavior. One personality profile that I know works because I use it with hundreds of people every year is the persolog® Personality Factor Profile. It offers a quick and insightful look into the topic of strengths. It distinguishes a total of 20 behavioral tendencies derived from combinations of four behavioral dimensions. These four behavioral dimensions are Dominance (D), Influence (I), Steadiness (S), and Cautiousness (C). Are you generally direct or rather reserved? Are you less emotional or empathetic? Are you more of a lone wolf or do you love teamwork? With a scientifically sound questionnaire, you can systematically discover your personality and thus your strengths.

“Everyone is a genius! But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it’s stupid,” as Albert Einstein said. If you’re a fish, then swim. If you’re a monkey, climb. If you’re an eagle, fly. Develop these abilities. Strengthen your strengths. That’s the most important basic rule. So, all you have to do is find out what you are to know what you can do. And then you can live your strengths.


Debora Karsch,

Author & CEO, persolog GmbH

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