Personal Development

7 Reasons Why Employees Leave a Company

The termination of an employment relationship by employees can generally be attributed to several factors. In addition to external factors such as moving to another city or the desire to focus full-time on childcare, it is almost always the current personal values and needs that are not fulfilled within the company and ultimately favor the decision…

Articles on the topic: Personal Development

Im Zweifel „Nein“! : Die richtigen Mitarbeitenden einstellen

When in Doubt, Say 'No'! Hiring the Right Employees

In today's business world, hiring the right employees is one of the most important yet challenging tasks for any company. Despite all efforts and careful selection processes, a certain level of uncertainty...
Stärkenorientierte Mitarbeiterentwicklung: Talente finden, fördern und entfalten

Strengths-Based Employee Development: Discovering, Nurturing, and Unleashing Talents

As trainers and coaches, we constantly strive to find effective ways to support people in unlocking their full potential. We are convinced: the continuous development of employees is, especially in times...
Wie Führungskräfte lernen können

How Leaders Can Promote Learning

Leaders shape the company culture. Leaders have a particularly strong influence on the culture within the organization. So, if we want to create a learning organization where people can continue to develop,...
Ein agiles Mindset: Was ist das und wie geht das?

Success Factor Agile Mindset

The success factor in uncertain times: The working world is undergoing epochal change. Not least, the pandemic has accelerated this transformation. Constantly changing rules of conduct and working conditions,...
So kritisierst du deine Mitarbeiter, ohne sie zu demotivieren

How to criticize your employees without demotivating them

10 Tips for Managers: Criticism discussions with employees are part of everyday life for every manager. They are unavoidable and important for resolving factual differences or correcting undesirable behaviors....
Befähigende Führung und wie sie gelingen kann

Empowering leadership and how it can succeed

A key factor in organizational resilience: Leadership plays a significant role in the success and future viability of a company. There are countless models describing leadership from various perspectives...
Diese Kompetenzen benötigt die Führungskraft von heute

Successful Leadership?!

The competencies needed by today's leaders: "Nothing is as constant as change." This quote by Ephesus remains highly relevant today. The world is changing: Increasing globalization, rapid technological...
Individualität entdecken und Potenziale freisetzen – der Leitfaden für dein Training, Coaching und Unternehmen

The persolog® Personality Factor Model: Putting an End to Stereotyping

How to Discover Individuality and Unleash Potential with the persolog® Personality Factor Model: Your Guide for Training, Coaching, and Business. "At persolog, you promote stereotyping" – A criticism...
Nach der Pandemie: Die Sorge um die Top Performer

After the Pandemic: Concerns About Top Performers

Nearly every company has faced unprecedented challenges during the COVID-19 crisis. Established processes and procedures were changed or suspended overnight. This also has an impact on the people working...
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