
Everyone Can Become More Resilient

Our personality as the key to more inner strength: Resilience, the ability to recover from setbacks and come out of them stronger, is an essential part of our mental well-being. But is resilience natural or can it be trained? The answer is: both – and often lies in our personality. Because if you want to develop inner strength and mental resilience,…

Articles on the topic: Resilience

Mental Load

Reducing Mental Load: How Companies Can Support Their Employees

In today’s working world, stress is a central issue. Companies often talk about resilience, time management and burnout prevention. However, one aspect that is frequently overlooked is Mental Load. This...
Persönliche Resilienz ist ein wichtiger Erfolgsfaktor für Unternehmen.

The Resilient Individual as a Success Factor for Companies

If you had asked me 7 years ago what resilience is, I would have only been able to give a vague answer. Honestly, I wouldn't have known exactly what it entailed, despite intensely studying stress management,...
Emmy E. Werner und ihre Resilienzforschung

Emmy E. Werner: The Pioneer of Resilience Research and Her Groundbreaking Kauai Study

Since the mid-20th century, psychology has extensively explored the concept of resilience. The focus is not on the negative influences on psychological development, but rather on the positive aspects....
persolog Blog zum Thema Resilienz - jeder kann resilienter werden

Everyone Can Become More Resilient

Our personality as the key to more inner strength: Resilience, the ability to recover from setbacks and come out of them stronger, is an essential part of our mental well-being. But is resilience natural...
persolog Blog zum Thema Selbstliebe

Self-Love: How to Become Your Biggest Fan

Many find it difficult to love themselves. You too? Constantly focusing on our own faults, flaws, and failures, and measuring ourselves against them, prevents us from embarking on the path to self-love....
persolog Blog zum Thema Resilienz braucht Werte

Resilience needs values

How Our Inner Beliefs Empower Us: Especially in challenging times, we seek stability and strength to overcome obstacles. But did you know that values ​​play a crucial role in this? You'll learn in this...
Wie du deine Denkweise ändern und erfolgreich werden kannst

Mindset Matters: How You Can Change Your Mindset and Become Successful

Are you ready to unleash your full potential and lead a more successful and fulfilling life? Imagine overcoming obstacles and challenges with ease, overcoming self-doubt and achieving your goals with confidence...
Emotionale Balance erreichen: Wie du Gefühle wahrnimmst, regulierst und für dich nutzt

Achieving emotional balance

How you perceive, regulate and use your feelings for yourself: Imagine if you could not only understand your feelings, but also actively use them for yourself. Emotions are human, but they often overwhelm...
Erfolgreich Führen in Zeiten konstanter Veränderung. Wie Führungskräfte Resilienz aufbauen und trotz Unsicherheit souverän bleiben

Successfully Leading in Times of Constant Change

How Leaders Build Resilience and Maintain Composure Despite Uncertainty. Leaders today face numerous challenges. From bumpy digitalization processes and uncertain future prospects to the crisis mode becoming...
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