Offering Your Own Online Courses as a Trainer or Coach


Eigene Online-Kurse als Trainer oder Coach anbieten


7 Formats and Variants Overview


Online training formats are booming and have become established in many companies, especially due to the Corona pandemic. Sooner or later, every trainer asks themselves whether and in what form they want to position themselves in this market. It’s clear that developing, launching, and hosting your own online offerings is a lot of work. There are certainly different ways to be successful with it. Here, we provide a brief overview of 7 formats we use in our trainings. We explain how they can be sensibly combined and what you should consider if you want to start with them.


#1 Recorded Video Content:


A recorded video content is an online course provided in the form of multiple video units. These videos can either be integrated into your own learning platform or Learning Management System (LMS), or the usage rights of the video files can be sold to customers. This format is currently one of the most common in the digital training market. Most trainers have at least considered this format mentally. The advantage: videos are very flexible and versatile. It’s important to initially define the target audience (B2B or B2C) and the business goal. This will make a significant difference in pricing and content delivery.

Our tip: It can also be useful to test both approaches, such as offering a recorded version via LMS or a licensed version to customers. From our experience, the recorded format is often perceived as “less valuable” by customers compared to a live (online) version. The personal support and the opportunity for questions are missing. This aspect also affects pricing accordingly. With a pilot price, you can test if your offer works.


#2 Live-Online Sessions and Blended Learning:


Recorded video content can be wonderfully combined with live-online sessions to create a blended learning approach, enhancing them in many ways. For example, the beginning and end of a training can take place live-online, while the learning content in between is delivered via recorded videos. We use this approach in our purely digital certifications. We offer participants live Q&A sessions with master trainers at the end, where they can ask their questions. Another advantage of a live-online session is that participant interaction and group work are possible, which are missing in a purely recorded video format. Additionally, it positively impacts customer retention when participants and trainers interact in real-time. This can also result in a correspondingly higher price for this format.


#3 Animated Explainer Videos:


Explainer videos on specific topics of a training, primarily aimed at imparting knowledge such as models, concepts, and theories, can be used at various points and reused. With PowerPoint slides and an audio file as a soundtrack, presentable results can be achieved easily. These videos offer variety in an online training and work independently of a specific trainer. The aim in this format should be to preferably not have a real person in the video or at least only an “animated trainer.” However, this requires specific technical expertise in creation, which also affects pricing. A small tip: If you want to use our explainer videos in your online course, you can find them in the persolog tools.


#4 SCORM Files:


SCORM files are suitable for integration into an LMS. In this file format, learning progress can be saved, and video content can be added or removed as needed. A “video nugget” should be about 10-15 minutes long. The videos can also include clickable elements, allowing the user to navigate through e-learning to some extent. This is interesting for larger companies and is an absolute growth market for trainers, as more and more companies are building their own Learning Management Systems and want to fill them with suitable content.

For example, we offer companies and trainers our new e-learning on the persolog Personality Model as a SCORM file. Even though it may seem that trainers could make themselves redundant with this format in the long run, the great opportunity lies in companies recognizing you as a trainer with your expertise and returning to you when they need an in-person seminar or coaching. It is becoming apparent that knowledge transfer via LMS is increasing, but no video in the world can replace individual advice and participant interaction. Companies still need people like you for that.


#5 eBooks:


Good eBooks are often underestimated but can become bestsellers. The content should always provide added value for the reader, such as step-by-step guides or checklists on a specific topic. If you have a topic in which you are knowledgeable and can provide enriching content to people, then test this format. Regarding the scope, anything from 3 to 60 pages is possible. The key is that the length is appropriate for the content provided. eBooks can be created independently in PDF format using Word and PowerPoint.

Alternatively, you can hire a graphic designer for a professional layout, which, of course, involves more costs but less time for you. eBooks can also be used as lead magnets, but preferably in a free version. Or they can be included as supplementary material in an online course (such as in our Resilience Online Course, which includes an eBook on the topic as a download). Using Kindle Direct Publishing, you can also sell your own eBook directly through Amazon. Direct publishing is trending. Even though a traditional publisher is still seen as a quality mark for a book, the flexibility in handling and marketing your work is greatest when you self-publish it.


#6 Webinars:


Webinars have become established in the digital world as a free format in the perception of customers. They are well-suited to turning interested parties into customers. Within a period of 30 to 60 minutes, participants receive free input on a topic. You can present your expertise on a topic and at the end, introduce a paid offer as a suitable deepening of the webinar content. You can also record your live webinar and reuse it afterward. If you want to see how we do it, check out our free webinars.


#7 persolog Online Profiles:


More and more persolog profiles are available digitally via eport and are regularly updated. We now have many options for trainers to work with our online profiles. They can be used not only in live-online seminars but also seamlessly integrated into digital training formats, such as an LMS, via a direct link. In our regularly held eport webinars, you can learn how this works and why it saves you a lot of time.

You see, there are numerous possibilities to craft your own digital format. Finally, we have 3 important tips for you:


Always keep in mind what your business goal is.


With this variety of options, you have to find your way around first. Therefore, always ask yourself what you want to achieve with the digital format in which you repurpose your content, what business goal is behind it (e.g., as a teaser for new customers, as supplementary material in a seminar, etc.). Think about where you want to invest your time and which format suits you. Then simply start with a mini-version that you can expand step by step.


Combine your offer with supplementary material.


Many people appreciate it, and it increases the perceived value of your offer. Supplementary materials in an online format can be received for download or even as a print product delivered to their home.


Reuse your content multiple times.


Reusing valuable content across different formats in the digital realm saves time and effort. It eliminates the need for constant content creation. This approach allows trainers to utilize existing material in multiple contexts. They can use it for free marketing purposes or as part of paid offerings. By repurposing content, trainers can maximize their resources and reach a broader audience. This can be achieved without extensive production efforts.

We wish you success in gaining experience with your own online formats. Don’t be afraid to start, as everything doesn’t have to be highly professional on the first try. Just begin experimenting and refining your digital offerings with the insights you gain. This is how you evolve and can become successful in the digital realm.

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