Training world

The 5 worst mistakes in a live online seminar – and how to avoid them

After more than a year of conducting and attending numerous live online seminars, we’ve seen and learned quite a bit. In the process, we’ve noticed recurring mistakes that result in disappointed participants and frustrated trainers. But it can be done better! Find out here which five serious mistakes you should avoid at all costs, both on a technical…

Articles on the topic: Training world

Die 5 häufigsten Probleme, die Trainer:innen und Coaches 2025 lösen müssen

The 5 Most Common Problems That Trainers and Coaches Will Have to Solve in 2025

How to get results in a structured way with persolog profiles and tools As trainers and coaches, we want to work with our clients in a targeted and structured way. We want to analyze, understand and solve...
Selbstständigkeit im Trainings-Business starten

Starting Your Own Training Business: These 5 Things Will Help You Win Your First Customers

Are you thinking about starting out as a self-employed trainer or coach, but don’t know exactly where to begin? Your concept is ready and the legal and financial aspects have been clarified. Now...
AI opens up new possibilities

AI for Trainers: 5 Practical Tips to Save You Time

The rapid advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has opened up countless possibilities, holding great potential in the training business as well. As a trainer, you want to use your limited time efficiently...
5 erfrischende Ideen, die dein Coaching Business bereichern werden

Coaching-Trends 2023

5 Refreshing Ideas That Will Enrich Your Coaching Business: How about some fresh ideas? Summertime, when many of us take a break, is an ideal opportunity to take a look at the latest trends in the coaching...
Das kann der neue persolog Personal Mastery Report

This is what the new persolog Personal Mastery Report can do

Product Developer Dr. Lana Ott in an Interview: persolog products are continuously evolving. Our goal is not only to meet new content and technical requirements but also to provide the best possible benefit...
Übersicht aller monatlichen Updates in der persolog Online World

Online World Update

Overview of all monthly updates in the persolog Online World: To provide you with the best possible trainer experience, we at persolog are constantly working on further developing and improving our tools....
Die 5 größten Fehler im D-I-S-G-Training

The 5 Biggest Mistakes in D, I, S & C Trainings

And how to do it better. "It is a great advantage in life to make mistakes from which you can learn as early as possible." This quote by Winston Churchill has great significance for me as a trainer for...
Change it, love it or leave it!

Change it, love it or leave it!

This method takes you further: In our daily lives, we often encounter situations where we feel like throwing in the towel and moving to a distant place. Whether it's due to the stressful work environment...
EnergyFactors – Wie du Werten, Motiven und Bedürfnissen auf die Spur kommst

EnergyFactors - What's the Benefit?

Uncovering Values, Motives, and Needs: In an increasingly fast-paced society, individuals, systems, and organizations must become more agile. They need to interact and react faster and more effectively....
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