New Work: The Path to a Sustainable and Attractive Work Environment


New Work: Der Weg zu einer zukunftsfähigen und attraktiven Arbeitswelt

In our fast-paced world, the work environment is constantly changing. In this context, the term “New Work” is being increasingly used. The term “New Work” describes the vision of a work environment oriented towards the needs and desires of people, enabling them to have a higher quality of life. In this article, we will delve deeper into New Work. First, we’ll explain why it’s important to engage with it and how to foster a New Work environment.


Understanding the Concept of “New Work”


New Work is a concept that deals with shaping the future of the work environment. It’s about designing working conditions and environments that meet the needs and desires of people, allowing them to have a higher quality of life.

Focus is placed on flexibility, mobility, and the ability to work from anywhere. Encouraging autonomy and accountability, as well as creating teams that collaborate on an equal footing, are also part of it. The aim is to make the working world more attractive and sustainable, thereby increasing employee satisfaction and productivity.

There are several reasons why companies and organizations should engage with the concept of New Work:

1. Future viability:

The working world is constantly evolving, and New Work offers a way to proactively address these changes and adapt working conditions to future requirements.

2. Employee satisfaction:

New Work focuses on the needs and desires of employees. By creating flexible working conditions and a positive work environment, employee satisfaction, motivation, and productivity can be increased.

3. Talent attraction and retention:

New Work can help present the company as an attractive employer, attracting and retaining talent.

4. Innovation:

New Work fosters the autonomy and accountability of employees, leading to more innovation and creative solutions.

5. Competitive advantage:

Companies that engage with New Work and implement corresponding changes can differentiate themselves from competitors, gaining a competitive advantage.

As trainers, coaches, leaders, and HR professionals, we can shape and accompany this change.


A New Work environment can be promoted in various ways. Some examples include:


  • Flexible working conditions: Introducing flexible working hours, remote work, and part-time work allows employees to better balance work and personal life.
  • Technology: Using technology such as cloud computing, collaboration tools, and mobile devices enables employees to work independently of time and place.
  • Agile working: Introducing agile working methods such as Scrum, Kanban, and Design Thinking allows employees to take on more responsibility and autonomy and work better in a fast-paced environment.
  • Spatial design: Creating open and inspiring work environments helps employees feel more comfortable and communicate and collaborate better.
  • Cultural change: Changing the company culture to promote employee participation, communication, and collaboration is an important part of creating a New Work environment.
  • Leadership style: Leaders must adapt their leadership style to the new work environment and support and promote employee autonomy.
  • Training and development: Training and development can help employees acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to be successful in a New Work environment.


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