Why Self-Leadership Training?


Wozu ein Selbstführungs-Training?

More and more often, people are confronted with a work reality where they increasingly feel alienated or pressured in what they do. Thus, their profession becomes a burden, and work starts to burn them out or harm their health.

Often, those affected only realize late that they live in two separate worlds: one being a predominantly externally controlled work environment and the other being a more self-determined non-professional world. Therefore, it becomes increasingly important for people to take their “work destiny” into their own hands in order to think, feel, and act largely authentically and self-responsibly.

A “substantial development of the entire cognitive and emotional potential of the individual as a prerequisite for the quality of their professional work” (Metzger, 2001) is gaining more and more importance.

Is this even possible?

Researchers have long sought to explore and explain the empowerment of self-leadership, enabling individuals to control and shape their inner processes. This enhances their success in implementing strategies and projects.

Those proficient in self-leadership think and act independently and proactively, often maintaining inner calm and clarity about their potentials and goals amidst profound change.


Objective of Self-Leadership Training

The self-leadership seminar serves as a guide for participants towards greater authenticity in both their professional and non-professional lives. Participants learn to better reconcile their daily work routine, expectations, and challenges with their own professional self-concept. The goals of the training are formulated as follows:


  • gain knowledge regarding their own self-leadership-relevant processes.
  • are taught about the functioning and changeability of psychological processes and operations. They are shown that only they themselves, and not someone else, can initiate and influence processes of change within themselves.
  • increasingly take more responsibility for their own thinking, feeling, wanting, acting, and bodily processes. They do not see themselves as victims of the current work or life situation.
  • acquire abilities and skills to successfully apply this knowledge in professional (as well as non-professional) situations.
  • learn to consciously control their own psychological processes, cope with internal conflicts, fully mobilize their own resources, and make them usable for a faster and more comprehensive realization of self-set goals.
  • learn to activate or relearn the ability for increased self-reflection, self-awareness, and self-regulation (3S method). These 3 important tools of self-leadership serve to integrate the insights gained into the self-concept (self-image) in a structured manner. They help establish an adequate control situation of psychological processes and increase the positive effects of one’s own resources and potentials.
  • receive help for self-help by gaining a high level of self-confidence. They are enabled to develop self-responsibility and future orientation as basic professional attitudes.


A seminar, training, and regular practice:

  • enhance a person’s ability to act,
  • strengthen the willingness for self-responsibility and entrepreneurial initiative,
  • contribute to improving performance behavior,
  • boost self-confidence, ability to act, and decision-making,
  • minimize unnecessary efforts in achieving goals,
  • increase the degree of psychological well-being.

How trainers can specifically convey self-leadership skills to their participants is learned in the Certification for the persolog® Self-Leadership Model.

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