
The persolog® Personality Factor Model: Putting an End to Stereotyping

How to Discover Individuality and Unleash Potential with the persolog® Personality Factor Model: Your Guide for Training, Coaching, and Business. “At persolog, you promote stereotyping” – A criticism we often hear at persolog. That’s precisely why we want to address this in this article. Does the D, I, S, and C model promote stereotyping? Yes, but…

Articles on the topic: Personality

Stärkenorientierte Mitarbeiterentwicklung: Talente finden, fördern und entfalten

Strengths-Based Employee Development: Discovering, Nurturing, and Unleashing Talents

As trainers and coaches, we constantly strive to find effective ways to support people in unlocking their full potential. We are convinced: the continuous development of employees is, especially in times...
Dr. John G. Geier im Interview

Interview with Dr. John G. Geier: 3 Questions for the "Father" of the persolog® Personality Factor Model

The American psychologist and behavioral scientist Dr. John G. Geier (1934-2009) spent over 40 years researching the persolog® Personality Profile. He is the spiritual "father". This interview, which Friedbert...
Stärken verleihen Flügel. Debora Karsch gibt 3 Tipps, wie du dein Potenzial entfalten kannst

Strengths Give Wings: 3 Tips on How to Make Your Potential Soar

How do we succeed in not only possessing strengths but also utilizing them? How can we unfold them, and how do we deal with our weaknesses? Debora Karsch is the CEO and shareholder of persolog and at the...
persolog Blog zum Thema Erwartungen, Enttäuschungen und Vertrauen

How Expectations, Disappointments, and Trust are Connected

What role do D, I, S and C play in this? How are expectations and disappointments related to our personality? How are the four behavioral dimensions challenged in different ways when it comes to managing...
persolog Blog zum Thema Resilienz - jeder kann resilienter werden

Everyone Can Become More Resilient

Our personality as the key to more inner strength: Resilience, the ability to recover from setbacks and come out of them stronger, is an essential part of our mental well-being. But is resilience natural...
persolog Gründer Friedbert Gay im Interview mit Klaus Zimmermann

48 questions that will revolutionize your interpersonal understanding

persolog founder Friedbert Gay in an interview with Klaus Zimmermann. Why does persolog exist? How does the persolog® Personality Profile work? Today you can immerse yourself in the history of persolog....
persolog Blog zum Thema Selbstliebe

Self-Love: How to Become Your Biggest Fan

Many find it difficult to love themselves. You too? Constantly focusing on our own faults, flaws, and failures, and measuring ourselves against them, prevents us from embarking on the path to self-love....
Erfahre von den 3 fatalen Führungsfehlern und wie du diese vermeidest

3 Fatal Leadership Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Leadership plays a crucial role in engaging and developing employees. However, errors often creep into everyday leadership that can have long-term detrimental effects. In this article, I will present three...
Wie du deine Denkweise ändern und erfolgreich werden kannst

Mindset Matters: How You Can Change Your Mindset and Become Successful

Are you ready to unleash your full potential and lead a more successful and fulfilling life? Imagine overcoming obstacles and challenges with ease, overcoming self-doubt and achieving your goals with confidence...
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