
The persolog® Personality Factor Model: Putting an End to Stereotyping

How to Discover Individuality and Unleash Potential with the persolog® Personality Factor Model: Your Guide for Training, Coaching, and Business. “At persolog, you promote stereotyping” – A criticism we often hear at persolog. That’s precisely why we want to address this in this article. Does the D, I, S, and C model promote stereotyping? Yes, but…

Articles on the topic: Personality

Individualität entdecken und Potenziale freisetzen – der Leitfaden für dein Training, Coaching und Unternehmen

The persolog® Personality Factor Model: Putting an End to Stereotyping

How to Discover Individuality and Unleash Potential with the persolog® Personality Factor Model: Your Guide for Training, Coaching, and Business. "At persolog, you promote stereotyping" – A criticism...
Was glaubst du über dich?

What Do You Believe About Yourself?

Why It's Worth Questioning Your Beliefs: "I'm not good enough," "I can't make mistakes," "I always have to handle everything alone" – perhaps one of these phrases sounds familiar to you. Have you ever...
Erfolgsfaktor Persönlichkeit – Was erfolgreiche Menschen von nicht erfolgreichen unterscheidet

Why am I not successful?

Don't you also know one or another successful person, where you wonder why they are so successful? What sets successful people apart from others? Are these individuals simply more motivated, ambitious,...
Erkenne deinen Wert – So offenbart sich Selbstbewusstsein!

Know Your Worth – The Key to Self-Confidence!

Perhaps you're familiar with this: feeling unsure, doubting your abilities, longing to be more self-assured. You don't want to hide in the shadows; you want to celebrate your successes and stand confidently...
Und was kannst du so richtig gut? Wie du deine Stärken findest

What are you really good at? How to discover your strengths

"What are you really good at?" Does this question always leave you pondering, finding it hard to come up with an answer? Discovering your strengths is like finding the ingredients for the most delicious...
Das persolog® Persönlichkeits-Modell: Ein Multitalent für die tägliche Praxis

The persolog® Personality Factor Model: A Flexible Tool for Everyday Application

Why both trainers and companies, as well as participants, benefit from it. Why should you specifically work with the persolog® Personality Factor Model? What makes it better than other models in the field...
Sag es, aber sag es richtig – Wie du es schaffst, so zu kommunizieren, dass du dein Gegenüber für deine Sache gewinnst.

Say it Right: How to Communicate Effectively to Win Others Over to Your Cause.

Imagine you want to enlist a colleague for an important project because you rely on their expertise. However, you don't get along particularly well with this colleague. Now, you're determined to sort things...
Ungesunde Verhaltensmuster druchbrechen in 3 Schritten

Break Unhealthy Behavior Patterns in 3 Steps

Why do I keep making the same mistake? Why can't I seem to do things differently? These are questions we all ask ourselves regarding various aspects of our lives. What about you? Whether it's clutter,...
Alle voll komisch, außer ich? Warum es sich lohnt, sich selbst und andere besser verstehen zu lernen

Everybody's weird except me? 

Why it's worth understanding yourself and others better. Let's be honest - have you ever thought: There's something off with my colleague / my partner / my boss! If you've had such thoughts before, we...
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