
How to set goals correctly

These factors lead you to success: Goals are visions of the future that are important to us. They guide our thinking and actions and trigger our inner willingness to make efforts. Everyone sets different short-term or long-term goals – sometimes it can be quite difficult, especially when it comes to life goals. Have you always known what you want…

Articles on the topic: Self-Leadership

Wie du deine Denkweise ändern und erfolgreich werden kannst

Mindset Matters: How You Can Change Your Mindset and Become Successful

Are you ready to unleash your full potential and lead a more successful and fulfilling life? Imagine overcoming obstacles and challenges with ease, overcoming self-doubt and achieving your goals with confidence...
5 schädliche Denkmuster und wie du sie überwindest

5 Harmful Thought Patterns and how to Overcome them

Climate crisis, energy crisis, inflation, pandemic... Currently, we are confronted with several crises simultaneously, which not only affect us personally with their accompanying effects but also pose...
Neujahrsvorsätze - Wie du deine Ziele nicht aus den Augen verlierst

Full Throttle Towards New Year's Resolutions

How to Keep Your Goals in Sight: Perhaps upon reading the title, "Huh? New Year's resolutions? But it's not even New Year's Eve?" you might be thinking, it sounds confusing at first glance. However, that's...
Denken – die kognitive Selbstführungs-Kompetenz

Thinking - the Cognitive Self-Leadership Skill

Harness the power of thoughts. Want to know how to become more productive? How to pursue your goals without letting obstacles derail you on the path to success? Then you've come to the right place, because...
Ziele richtig setzen in 5 Schritten

How to set goals correctly

These factors lead you to success: Goals are visions of the future that are important to us. They guide our thinking and actions and trigger our inner willingness to make efforts. Everyone sets different...
Change it, love it or leave it!

Change it, love it or leave it!

This method takes you further: In our daily lives, we often encounter situations where we feel like throwing in the towel and moving to a distant place. Whether it's due to the stressful work environment...
Höre nie auf, dich weiterzuentwickeln

Never Stop Evolving

We're familiar with it in business: if a company doesn't evolve, innovate, or increase profits, competitors quickly surpass it, often faster than expected. The world is in constant flux; change is the...
6 Dinge, die du tun kannst, um neue Kraft und Motivation zu schöpfen

6 Things You Can Do to Gather New Strength And Motivation

Every year, some people set resolutions and goals that they absolutely want to achieve and maintain in the new year. Perhaps you're one of them. Perhaps you also know that often the motivation and energy...
Wie Selbstführung die Arbeit im Homeoffice erleichtert

How Self-Leadership Eases Remote Work

Working in a home office: For some, it's a dream; for others, it's a burden. However, every remote worker will agree: working in a home office is an absolute challenge for self-leadership. Whether it's...
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